Is Our Love a Mistake?! 🔞

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Please continue to enjoy the Jeffbarcode" I Can Not Say 2"🤓📖

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Tong: Go after him... you better go finish what you started.


Barcode squeezes Jeff's shirt with one hand between his lips rolling it between them, the other tries to push Jeff by his shoulder, tired and enjoying this kiss too much. Barcode stops pushing him and lets himself be carried away in this hot kiss full of mixed feelings.

Jeff seeing that he is no longer resisting, releases his lips and looks into the eyes that are now weak from the kiss, Jeff loving Barcode so much, wanting to get the truth out of why Barcode broke up with him, Jeff gently touches his face with one hand the other gripping his waist tightly so he doesn't run away.

Jeff: It's clear that you love me! Why? Why did you break up with me? What happened that made you change with me? N'Barcode!

Barcode listening he tried his best not to let tears fall, he knows how much he is making the man he loves suffer, Barcode with one hand on his chest and the other gripping Jeff's shoulder tightly tries to push and speak at the same time.

Barcode: Why don't you leave me alone?.... Ahhh! I've already told you not to try to get anything out of me, because there's nothing...I broke up with you so come to terms with that... I've already told you my reasons, I'm tired of repeating them... Leave me alone. ..

Barcode pushes Jeff and turns around trying to open the bathroom door. Jeff closes it quickly, grabs his shoulder turns around and pushes Barcode against the door grabs his face with both hands, angry at the way Barcode spoke to him.

Jeff: Because I promised I would never give up on you that night in the car.

Jeff kisses him strongly as soon as he finishes with this sentence, Barcode tries to fight against him and against this strong kiss but desire and love stop him in fractions of seconds, squeezing hard on the wrists of the hands that grab him around his waist and face, hitting and pushing Jeff's chest.

Lewd noises coming
from both mouths.

Barcode was embarrassed by the way this kiss was being given and by the sound coming out of his own mouth, Jeff couldn't stand the presence of the young man's body close to him, he quickly released Barcode waist and grabbed him under his shirt and began to lift, releases his lips and kisses Barcode's neck with his tongue. Barcode turns on his side and opens his mouth when he feels Jeff's soft lips and wet tongue, a breathless sigh comes out of his mouth trying to speak amidst the pleasure, Jeff isn't allowing him to let go.

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