I'm Coming To You

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:I can't tell...I can't tell you...


Barcode leaves the studio and runs to the road to catch a taxi, puts his hand in front of the road calling for a taxi and suddenly someone pulls him over.

Strong and fast kiss.

Barcode didn't need to open his eyes to feel and know that these lips belong to the man he loves, Barcode with both hands hits his chest and shoulder he opens his eyes and sees Jeff, Jeff is gripping his waist so tightly and in one of side of Barcode's face, releasing sound rolling and kneading Barcode's lips and tongue, tasting, inflaming the young man's soft lips.

Barcode has no strength in his body, the lower part of his body becomes numb and loses strength, Barcode pushes and slaps Jeff in the face his lips are inflamed, he chokes and screams angrily.

Barcode: Let go of me... Never ...again! Never kiss me or come near me again... No matter what you say, what's done is done ... Forget me because I already did this a long time ago... Forget that I exist P'Jeff... Once and for all, disappear from my life.

Barcode puts his hand on the road to call the taxi again, the taxi stops, Barcode opens the door, gets in and leaves. Jeff had no reaction to what he heard, seeing the car moving with the young man who is crying so much inside, Jeff fell to his knees on the ground and saw his life stopping right there.

Five months passed sadly for both sides.

Jeff announced his departure from Be on Cloud and Barcode remained without telling anyone what was happening to him, accumulating the pain deep inside him. Creamy remained in Thailand until Barcode's wedding, which still has no date set.

JJ organized a party and invited everyone from Be on Cloud.

Barcode went to the party with Dami, when he arrived he didn't see Jeff, discreetly looking for him around the party, Dami looks at him and gives him a slight smile.

Dami: I don't think he's arrived yet...

Barcode looks at Dami and sees her malicious smile, trying to hide who he is looking for.

Barcode: What are you talking about? I'm not looking for P'jeff...

Dami smiled even more, but delicately and teasing him.

Dami: I wasn't talking about P'jeff! So he's the one you're looking for?!

Barcode nervous with his friend.

Barcode: Stop it N'Dami..

Dami: Ok--- ok I'm going to stop... I'm going to the bathroom, wait for me here ok...

Barcode: okay.

Dami left and Barcode started walking, looking at the people at the party, greeting those he knew, suddenly he stopped in a part of the party where there was no one, in front of the pool he looked sideways and widened his eyes, quickly his eyes began to change. fill with tears.

I Can Not Say Book 2(Jeffbarcode)Where stories live. Discover now