The Beginning Of a Pain

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Barcode father: You're getting married.


Barcode's eyes widen, unresponsive to what he just heard, still processing what he heard.

Barcode: The !... What did the father say?... I what?!

Barcode's father seeing his son's reaction which was not well received, having no other way out of the situation he is facing.

Barcode's father: What did you hear... You're going to marry my childhood friend's daughter...

Barcode not assimilating what his father just said, still processing information that hadn't sat well with him so far.

Barcode: what do you mean I'm going to get married?! I... I'm only 19 years old, I haven't even turned 20 yet and you already wants to make me marry!... And even more so with someone I've never met...!

Barcode's father: You're old enough to get married... And you're not going to marry just anyone, she's my friend's daughter.

Barcode not accepting this pointless conversation.

Barcode: I don't want to get married! And why am I getting married?... ( Barcode looks at his mother who is beside him, he is nervous and at the same time disturbed by this conversation ).... Mom says something... What's going on? Why suddenly this?!...

Barcode's mother got sad, she didn't want this to happen even more knowing that her son loves someone else and is dating this same person.

Barcode's mother: N'Barcode, unfortunately.... unfortunately I can't say anything against it... You have to get married...

Barcode seeing his mother's words, knowing that his mother knows about his relationship with Jeff, not believing that she supports this marriage, sheds tears, not accepting at all to marry someone he doesn't love, Barcode screams loudly.

Barcode: I'm not marrying anyone... I don't know why you two want me to marry! but I'm not going to get married, I'm not going to accept marrying someone I don't love, can you both hear me right? I will not marry.

Barcode runs out of the room and approaches the exit room door, opens, and hearing his father and mother screaming and telling him to stop and not to leave.

Barcode's mother: N'Barcode!---Barcode, son...

Barcode's father: Stop immediately Barcode... You won't run away, Barcode...

Barcode immediately leaves the house, crying and desperate just wanting to see the person who means a lot to him.

Twenty minutes pass.

Barcode calls Jeff crying.

Jeff: Hello! N'Barcode?...

Barcode hearing Jeff's voice couldn't hold back the tears, he let fall even more, Jeff is not hearing Barcode's voice just some strange sounds of someone crying, worried about him trying to say something.

I Can Not Say Book 2(Jeffbarcode)Where stories live. Discover now