In the Past, You Will Be There Tomorrow. Part1

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Jeff: So go and reinvent yourself into a totally different person, but I know you better than anyone you'll ever meet...You love said you need space, go ahead astronaut... But be sure of this that when you return to earth, I bet I'll be the one you call... when you realize there's nothing out there but matter and a void... You'll come back to me... Until then I will never give up on you.


Barcode hits his back against the wall as soon as Jeff leaves through the window, lets out a heavy sigh as if his chest is hurting, he lets out tears of pain, the only thing he wants is to be in his arms, in the arms of the man who left through his window, he wanted to stop this suffering and not hurt the man he loves anymore but unfortunately things are not according to his wishes.

This day is over and two have passed.

Is afternoon

Barcode went to the studio to talk to Pond, when he arrived in the room of the studio he stopped and widened his eyes when he found Pond with Jeff, Jeff looks at the person who just walked through the door and gives him an indifferent look, Barcode sees this bites the tips of his lower and upper lips, he should be upset but he knows he can't because he was the cause of Jeff's cold look.

Pond looks at Barcode and sees the tense atmosphere between the two in front of him and asks Barcode with a smile.

Pond: Oh! N'Barcode! What brings you here?!

Barcode stops looking at Jeff and looks at Pond putting on a fake smile, Jeff realizes this smile because he knows the young man he dated for a long time well.

Barcode: I !... I came to tell you that I won't be at the next event... I have an important compromise, P'.

Pond surprised.

Pond: Compromise?! With whom? Can I know?

Barcode didn't want to say much less in front of Jeff but in any case everyone would know and the person that he didn't want to know about this already knows, so there was no longer any need to hide the truth, sad and knowing that it will hurt the person in front of him.

Barcode: I... I will get engaged on this day.

Jeff's eyes widen a little but he maintains his composure upon hearing these words. Pond surprised looks at Jeff and then at Barcode.

Pond:Get engaged?! Are you getting engaged to Jeff?!

Barcode: No... It's not with... P'jeff.

Jeff observing the two's conversation, becomes irritated looking at Barcode and Pond, with an indifferent look and sarcastic words puts both hands in his pants pocket.

I Can Not Say Book 2(Jeffbarcode)Where stories live. Discover now