Chapter 1

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Porsche’s pov

I had just saved a weird stranger from some people and took his watch as a reward. What? I deserved it. I looked at myself before I entered my house. I had a few scratches and nothing else. Perfect. As soon as I entered the compound I saw Porchay and uncle Thee outside. It looked like someone had beaten him up so I rushed to ask “What happened? Who  beat you up?” I asked “Chai came to collect the rent and I just happened to be here. Otherwise they would’ve hurt Chay” he informed me. “Thank you so much uncle.” I said looking at my brother. “Well he said we owed him 20,000 baht” Uncle informed me. “ WHAT? Hell, what 20,000!” I shouted. “But why did you stop paying him?” Uncle asked. “Chay just started a new semester..” my voice trailed off. Porchay just looked at me with a guilty look. That's when I realized how that sounded. “am sorry hia.” He said looking down. “Nah bro. I can still take care of it.” I said messing his hair. “What about Pri?” Uncle asked. But before I could answer we heard my sister's voice “You aren’t allowed to call me that” she said as she got down the stairs her short brown hair in a bun, her being immersed in her phone while she chewed on her lower lip. Someday she is going to eat her lip up. “ Pri don’t talk to uncle like that” I scolded her but she just rolled her eyes. "And to answer your question I got a scholarship" she said smirking and then left. I was going to say something but didn’t, I mean what is the use? She is not going to listen to me anyway. So I just sighed and asked Chay to heat the food I bought.

Porchay’s  pov

I went in the kitchen to heat the food when I saw my twin sister leaning against the kitchen counter. She was still scrolling through her phone so I just stood beside her trying to look into her phone over her shoulder. “ uhhh privacy?” she mumbled pushing me. I just ignored her and asked her “ Wanna help?” “Sure” she said putting away her phone. We unpacked the food and put it in the microwave. “You know you should listen to hia and not talk to uncle like that” I told her. But she just groaned and said “You know I don’t like him. I just feel he is so fake. Hia do you think he is really our uncle?” she asked now going into her Sherlock mode. “Not this again Pri. We have talked about it.” I warned her taking out the food and serving it on the plate. “Come on help me now” I said squishing her cheeks. She would kill me if I said this aloud but she looks adorable while she is pouting.

We finished our dinner and then Hia left us with uncle saying he had some work and would return soon. Right now we were cleaning up our living room and uncle was trying to make up small conversations with us and as usual Pri was ignoring him while I answered his questions.

Porsche’s pov

I had just returned from the underground ring and was a bit upset as I didn’t make much money today. I tried to quietly sneak in but “Trying to sneak in again?” I heard my sister’s voice as the lights switched on. There she stood near the switch board with a large nutella tub in her hand and a spoon between her lips. “Why are you still awake Pri ?” I asked removing my shoes. “You are bleeding. Sit down.” She said completely ignoring my question and went to get the first aid box. She came back and forced me to sit on the sofa while she sat on the tea table and then she started treating me. I just stared at her, it felt like she was my mom. I just laughed out loud and she looked at me weirdly. “What?” she asked looking at me. “Nothing. I just feel like you are like mae even though I don’t remember how she actually was.” “Don’t cry now Hia. You don’t look good while crying and when are you goingto stop this?” She asked. I hadn't told these two about my underground fighting job but Pri had figured it out long ago and then blackmailed me. She got a lip piercing and kept my secret safe. “Did this hurt?” I asked her holding her chin looking at the piercing. “A little.”she answered, closing the first aid box. “Answer my question hia.” “You never do, but I have to listen to you, always. Why!!?” I asked pouting slightly. “Cause I'm the youngest. Now tell me!” she said sitting beside me now. “Because I have to earn for you guys. I want to give you guys everything you ever wish for.” I said smiling at her as I  hugged her while she stared at me. “Then Hia can I ask you for something?” she asked. She never asked for anything. “ of cource. What do you want?” I asked her, looking at her. “I want you to live your life for yourself also hia.” She said totally stunning me. “After I settle you guys” I said, messing her hair. “Hiaaaaa” she whined as I cuddled her. “Come on, we are having Pizza cause that watch was pretty expensive.” She said dragging me to the garden.

Porchay’s pov

I woke up in the morning only to find hia gone. Probably to his uni and Pri alone on the couch. I am not even surprised I find her here every alternate day. I woke her up and then we got ready for college.

After a long day at college we came back and setteled down infront of the TV after freshening up. We heard a noise so we got up and looked around, I saw someone near our window but  everything happened,before I could process .
Our house was a mess and we had just got a warning and they had taken away uncle. Pri looked angry, she was going around setting everything in place, I sat down to pick up a frame when hia came in, drenched. “What happened? It was kinn and his men, no?” he asked in a rush. “Kinn?” “Leave it. Are you guys okay, are you people hurt?” he asked us. After the reassurence that we were fine Hia left the house and came back after 2 hours and we sat down with yesterday’s pizza. “ Let's sell the house hia” I said, not looking at him. “ but I love this house” “who doesn’t? But we can’t see you like this” Pri said. “We can sell this house, pay off the debt and get a small house.” I offered. “Hia is uncle also in debt? He did something, didn't he?” Pri asked suspiciously and for a second Hia looked at her as if she had cracked something. “Pri, no” he warned. “I got my answer.” She said dropping her plate on the table and leaving angrily. “She will come around. I just want you guys to have a good social life, study well both of you?” Hia asked. “Let’s run away, we can have a bar by the beach, I could perform and well Pri can be Pri.” I said chuckling. “For now no. you guys should have a good life, that's all I want” Hia said. “YEAH EVEN IF IT MEANS HE HAS ZERO LIFE” Pri shouted from god knows where. “This girl.”

When I woke up the next morning Hia was gone leaving a note behind. I woke Pri up and we both sat together as she read it and I cried. It said his boss had offered him his dream job on an island, that paid off well too and so he left. There would be no signals so he wouldn’t be able to call us. He further said he would call or visit whenever possible.

“Why would he do that without telling us?” I sobbed as I clung on Pri, but she just kept staring at the letter and then mumbled “Somethings off”

Hi guyss! This my first time posting so please show this chapter some love by commenting and liking it. All the characters belong to the original series, only Parinya and a few extra characters are mine.
Constructive criticism will be appreciates other hate comments will be deleted, respectfully. If you don't like the story, instead of hating you can leave.
I'll see you in the next chapter.
Buhhhh byeeee❣️

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