Chapter - 3

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Porsche’s Pov
Tankhun was making us watch k-dramas and honestly it was getting boring. Once again I was missing my siblings. I just missed them so much. Thinking about them I groaned and threw my head back. Arm just looked at me and asked me what was wrong. I just told him how I was missing my baby brother and sister. Arm asked me more about them and we actually got into a conversation. He asked me how they looked but I didn’t have my phone so the only photo I had was the one in my wallet.

(Photo looked smthng like this

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(Photo looked smthng like this. Just imagine the three)

The photo was an year old before Pri got her piercing, Chay didn’t have his little crush on Pri’s friend Macau and I was not neck deep in debt. Those were better days. “Aye this is getting boring let’s watch something interesting.” I said switching the channels and I started laughing as I looked at their expression. P’khun asked if the girl was going to die and it triggered me more and I started laughing uncontrollably. We heard someone come in so me and Arm escaped.

Porchay’s pov
Me and Pri were in school right now waiting for Pri’s only friend Macau. Macau was in another section and he was this cute, tall and kind guy. He had this dreamy eyes, this aura and a very different personality. No, I don’t have a crush on him. “You can leave Chay.” Pri said scrolling through her phone. “You have practice right.” “It’s fine. We will go together. I can’t leave you alone it’s not safe” I said holding her hand. Well she doesn’t need protection I know that. “You have such a big crush on Macau.” She said chuckling a bit. “I don’t” I said. She was going to say something but stopped when she saw Macau coming our way. His bag slung over his shoulder, his messy hair and un-tucked shirt. He looked so handsome right- shit I do have a crush on him. “Hi Pri, oh hi Chay.” He said. I just waved back while Pri just nodded her head. “You had something to ask me?” Pri asked now getting serious. Pri earned money by selling her paintings, sometimes. So I am guessing this is something about that. I was standing there listening to them when my phone rang, so I excused myself to take the call.

Macau’s pov

I went to Pri and I saw her standing there with her brother. I knew him. He is really cute and is trying to pursue music. I set my hair and went to them and greeted them Porchay just shyly waved back, cute.

“You had something to ask me?” Pri asked.  I need help. It's a gift ” I told her. “For?” She asked getting to the point. “Phi."  “Fine. You will get it” She said smiling a bit. “ Thank you so much beautiful.” I said smiling. “flattering won’t take you anywhere. Payment?” She asked. “Don’t worry about that, just do what he asked Parinya.” We heard a new voice. Phi Vegas. “Of course I will P’Vegas. You see, Your own brother trusts me more than your people .” She said sarcastically,trying to divert the topic. Her smart mouth will get her in trouble one day. I assumed it triggered him but I heard him laugh. “Still the sass” Phi Vegas said. “Never gonna leave it” she said. “About the payment, I’ll pay you advance.” I said. “oh kk. Send it till evening.” She said lifting her bag and started leaving. “ uhhh Pri.. can I have your brother’s number?” I asked but she just flipped me off and left. “You like her brother ?” Phi asked. “Yeah. He is really cute. He was here a moment ago, before you came. He left cause he got a call.” I told him. “Well Parinya is good looking am sure he would be cute to. Do they have an elder brother? Phi Vegas asked smirking. “phiiii” I whined. I knew Pri since 8th grade but she would never be ready to give me her brother’s number. I could ask Vegas to get it for me but I respect her decision, she was my friend after all. Phi Vegas even insisted on checking their background but I denied. I knew a few things about them and that’s enough for now.

Porsche’s pov
It was evening and I had dragged everyone to Yok’s Hum bar. When we were there Yok told me that Pri was here the other day, she came to ask for something, so Yok told me to be more carefull if I don’t wanna bust my secret. We were partying and everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves and then we left to go back. As soon as I entered Kinn told me to drop his fling home. Am not even his bodyguard anymore and he still bosses me around.

After A few days I got fed up with Tankhun’s schedule. He is really nice but I don’t want watch k-dramas all day. So I started putting effort in my training and in improving myself. So I can get back to my original position.

So today at the end of the day I was shot and Kinn ended up helping me and we had a serious talk about today’s situation.

Big’s pov
As I was injured I was assigned to Kim now. Like if that even makes sense. Kim lived away from the family on his own. I was called by him so yeah. He asked me why I was there,so I told me I was assigned to him now he further asked who was in charge for Kinn,I told him about Porsche replacing me. I told him how Porsche was the exception from all our rules and protocols and was having an advantage. Kim was a weird character to understand. God whoever has to deal with him in future, I wish them luck.

Porsche’s Pov
Tankhun was very happy I doing good at my training so he brought all of us to party. He made me close my eyes and asked me where he had brought us well the answer was obvious, Yok’s bar. When I guessed it right he pouted and looked mad. We were going to get down when we saw another car and the people who got down were none other than Kinn and his two friends. So we dragged them with us.
We were all enjoying ourselves and were very high I, Kinn ,Pete and Tay were the only sober people. A new song started playing and we all got into dancing again. Suddenly we heard something crash and the music stopped. I turned around and my face paled. My worst nightmare was going to come true. There stood Parinya, a glass smashed in front of her legs. She looked furious and when she looked furious it never ended well. Everyone around us were looking between us. “Shit” I heard Arm mumble and Pol asked what happened but no one answered his question. I wanted  to say something but she had the look on her face which scared me. “Pri…i- I” I started to say but the words wouldn’t come out of my mouth as if someone had tied my tongue. “If you are gonna tell me more lies, then don’t you dare start speaking!” she growled lowly. “Aye Pari you should try under-” Yok started saying but Pri cut her sentence “If you are going to suppot him then don’t P’Yok” She said not breaking eye contact. “I hope you enjoy your party” she muttered angrily before leaving. I wanted to run behind her, stop her and tell her everything, but I couldn’t. So I just stood there staring at the spot where my sister stood a few seconds ago. Everyone started bombarding me with questions. “That was my sister Parinya, I didn’t tell them about my job. I had told them I am staying at a private island.” I said, closing my eyes shut. “Them?” Time asked “I have a brother too. They are twins. His name is Porchay.” I answered. “What was your sister doing in a bar anyway?” Pol asked. “She isn’t normally in the bar, she goes to the back of  it, there is a spot there, she deals her paintings there.” I had told her there was no need for her to work this hard but that girl would never listen. She had stopped selling them in between but looks like she's at it again. “Wow. What a talented bunch” Kinn murmured. After that I drank myself to the point where I could see the world spinning and was sure I wouldn’t remember anything.

Hiii... Well Ik there isn't much in the story yet but I promise I'll try my level best to make it interesting. I would appreciate a few comments 🥺
Also like the chapter if u like it (lol)

Also, do you guys stan any k-pop groups.
I stan Bts and listen to other grps

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