Chapter 7

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Porsche's pov
Now that we were working with Vegas he was giving us a tour of Minor family's compound. As he finished it he brought us to a yard where there was a feast arranged and everyone was seated. He told us to get seated. He then patted his brothers back and asked him how school was.  Vegas startes talking to me.

Porchay's pov.
I came down to see Pri sprawled on the sofa with  a thin shawl covering her. I wonder how this girl doesn't feel cold. I tried waking her up but she didn't budge. I took a napkin that was lying and smaked her with it. She woke up hissing and when she saw me with the cloth she started glaring at me. "Can't you wake me up normally!?" "No, I can't. Now get up and help me clean this mess." "Clean the mess? All of this is yours! Am not helping" She said folding her hands against her chest. I was going to argue back when my phone rang.

Kim- I know our practice was scheduled next week but can we shift it to today?
Chay- of course. Do you want me to come to the  studio?
Kim- no that's reserved for today. We can do it at your place.
Chay-My place!? Uh huhh P'Kim it will be very inconvenient.
I said looking around my house.

Kim – maybe if you let me in, I can help.

He said, my eyes widened as I looked out the window to find Kim leaning against his car. I waved at him while my sister was still rubbing her eyes lying on the sofa.

“Pri wake up. Get into your room.” I said pushing her off the couch. She started wobbling towards her room when the doorbell rang. I stood there with clothes in my hand and stared at the door for a minute before I opened it. “Uhh it’s a bit messy.. Just give me a minute P’Kim. I said nervously chuckling. He just nodded and sat down on the sofa. After I was done cleaning up, he handed me a new guitar. “For me?” I asked surprised. “hmm.” He said looking around. “Uh where is the washroom?” P’Kim asked. “uhhh You will have to go upstairs. The one on this floor is not working” I said scratching the back of my head. “oh kk”

He started walking upstairs when I remembered the first open room was mine. I had stuff there he shouldn’t look at. Shit. I ran upstairs and stopped him from opening the door.

We sat down in the lawn and started practicing.  After a while we got a little hungry and I called Pri to ask if she wanted to have something. “Do you want me to make something?” She asked bored. “Uhhh no, I want P’Kim to get out of here alive.” I said looking at P’Kim. “Yahhhhhhh! Then what do you want me do?” She asked. “Can you go get us some noodles?” I asked her pleading.
"No. Am hanging up" She said. "Please Pri, we are hungry, aren't you? " I asked. " We? Even Kim?" She asked. " Uhhh yeah even Kim" I answered as P'Kim looked at me at the mention of his name.
“Why can’t you go?” She asked, groaning. “You know Type gives us a special discount when you go to buy noodles.” I said laughing. “Fine. Whatever but you are coming along with me.” She announced before hanging up.

Kim’s pov

“You know Type gives us a special discount when you go to buy noodles.” Chay said laughing. Type? Whose Type? “Type?” I spoke out aloud. “Type is the noodle shop owner’s son, he has been hitting on Pri for months now.” He said, still laughing. Uh huh Type huh. Pri came down in a white shirt and blue shorts, her hair in a messy bun and glasses that rested on her nose. “Hi P’Kim. Let’s go hia.” She said typing away on her phone. They both went away to get the food, when I went in to look around. I had a master key when I first opened Chay’s  room, there was nothing much here, just a few band posters, my posters and a few pictures with Macau? Macau is his boyfriend?? All these Kittiswad siblings have us Theerapanyakun cousins trapped, huh? I don’t think Chay knows who Macau is.
I closed the door and went to the second floor, where Pri’s room was. I opened her room and it was the darkest room in the whole house, it had a completely opposite vibe. The grey walls and baby blue curtains, sheets, cupboards and stuff. I looked around the room and saw a canvas she was working on. It was a painting of me,I smiled slightly. She had just sketched it out,there a reference pic clipped on the side. The reference pic was a picture of mine from my latest video. So she does see my videos. I looked around but found nothing suspicious there. I heard voices down so I rushed back down and pretended like I had been to the washroom. They came back with three bowls of cold bean noodles. “This looks good.” I said looking at Pri. “It tastes good also. Try it.” She said while eating her noodles. “Hmm. Chay I have a hw for you. Write a song  for someone you like.” I said. “Okay P’Kim.” He nodded. “do you like someone, Parinya.” I asked, slurping my noodles. “hmm. But you wouldn’t know him.” She said avoiding eye contact. “Shiaaaaa! You never told me you liked someone” Chay asked her shockedly while Pri just looked away with a pink tint on her cheeks.

After we were done practicing , I was going to leave when Pri came out to send me off. “Uhhh I have to go to the washroom. Bye P’kim” saying that Chay ran back into the house. “Hi” I said, walking closer to her. “Hey” She whispered back. “What happened to your bold version of you?” I asked. “Don’t you have to go home?” She asked, looking at me. “Hmm. Before that, who is that guy you like? Type? Or that guy in your class? or that Macro?” I asked. “None of them. You. I like you.” She said nervously. “Hmm. See you.” I said, she just looked shocked. I just held her for a bit, pecked her cheek and then left.

Even though I couldn’t see her I knew she had a surprised look with a smile. I just smiled and left. She is so cute.

Kinn’s pov

I was admitted to a hospital and then Vegas was irritating me. He had come and taken away Porsche for a mission. I was so irritated at this point.

Porsche’s pov

We had finished the first mission and I was missing Kinn. I heard a noise and  turned around to actually find him there. “How did you get here?” I asked, surprised. We flirted for a while and before he left he gave me his lucky gun and told me to return back to him without getting hurt. We got ready for our second mission. Me, Pete and Arm hyped each other before leaving.

We successfully finished the second mission and Vegas was throwing us a party. We were having drinks when I started feeling a little hot. I was soon in a room with Vegas removing my t-shirt. I couldn’t do anything, my body was feeling numb. Soon Kinn came in, he and Vegas had a heated argument and then Vegas left. After Vegas left Kinn started blaming me , when I didn’t even do anything. I got angry and slapped him and started leaving but Kinn held me. Then one thing led to another. At the end of the day we made up and cleared our misunderstandings.

So yeah, Ihave a exam tomorrow and am sitting here posting. Very brave of me ik.
Pray that I do well guys 🙂👍
Anyway tell me what you think about the story so far.

P. S - thank you so much for the support u people are showing by liking, I appreciate it.

Buhhhhhhh byeeeeeee 😁

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