Chapter 10

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Third person’s pov  

“We agree that you have our protection in exchange of all evidences pointing to the crimes of the ones behind the Italians. Tomorrow, Porsche and I will go get it.” Kinn told Tawan.
“No. Only you and I, the two of us.” Tawan said and somehow Kinn agreed. The two exes were in the room where Tawan’s so called evidence existed. They were going to leave when they found Porsche snooping around. Tawan found the perfect opportunity to get Porsche so he told Porsche couldn’t be trusted and should be locked up and Kinn trusted him blindly.

“Run away with me, Porsche. Right now,everything is going according to Tawan's plan. He's about to break the two families apart by using me and you as his tools.” Vegas said as soon as he entered the basement where Porsche was. Porsche was disappointed that this wasn’t his boyfriend and he showed that disappointment openly. “And how can I know that you're telling the truth, Vegas?” Porsche asked him.“No matter how bad I am, if it's for the person I love, I will never hurt his feelings.” Vegas explained becoming soft for a second. Porsche looked at him weirdly and ignored his confession and continued “If I run, I'll become a traitor.”
“But if you don't run, you gotta be here, and you can't do a thing.Porsche, you choose.” Vegas reasoned. Porsche gave it thought before nodding his head. Vegas got him out but they were stopped by Pete, so Porsche had to tackle Pete and let Vegas run. After Pete was out of the picture Porsche made an attempt to run but was stopped by Kinn who had his gun pointed to him. But after looking at Porsche for a few seconds Kinn let him leave.

Kim’s pov

“Why are you pretending to be asleep?” I asked Parinya as I saw her peek. “Well so are you, but I didn’t question.” Parinya answered and I chuckled at her. “Good point. What? Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked as she stared at me with an unreadable expression. “Nothing. You are just so beautiful inside out, I feel lucky to have you. I- I love you.” She said and I was shook. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything so I just lay there looking at her and questioning myself. I was going to say something when we heard Porchay screaming something “Pari you wouldn’t believe-” but he abruptly stopped when he saw us literally cuddling on the sofa. Pariniya got up and asked him what happened. “Me and Macau said our first love you’s” He said jumping up and down and Parinya started doing the same while they held hands and chanted oh my god. She looked so happy that I unconsciously started smiling and realized something. If there was someone I would stake my life for it would be her, does that count as I love her? I don't think so “Am hungry” Parinya said. I watched Porchay and my girlfriend goof around in the kitchen when we heard the bell ring. “I’ll get it.” Parinya said, running to get it, while me and Porchay looked in her direction and smiled. “What’s taking her so long” Porchay mumbled as he threw down the cloth he was holding and went out. I just sat there staring at the door and then at the sticky notes on the table. I thought screw it and grabbed a note and wrote ‘Gotta go, sorry’ on it and was going to leave, when I heard Porchay shout for help, at first I thought Parinya was hitting him [which is pretty normal.] and that's why he was shouting  but then I actually heard him shout his guts out. When I went out I saw two men on the ground but what angered me was my girlfriend being held by two men and she was blacked-out while Porchay struggled to get rid of a man off his back. I got attacked by one of the men. I was almost done with these bastards when one of them tasered me and the last thing I saw was Parinya and Porchay being taken.
Kinn’s pov

“What have we got?” I asked Arm as I stood beside him anxiously.
“Umm, it seems encrypted, Mr. Kinn. If anyone's trying to get in, it'll be locked automatically.” Arm told me. Arm was still speaking when Tawna tried touching his equipment.
“I'm try--I'm trying to fix it.” Arm said and went back to cracking it.

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