Chapter 2

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Porsche’s Pov
Big and Ken were giving me a tour of the main family compound and to be honest I was bored to death and missing Chay and Pri already. Am sure Pri would have made a dozen of sarcastic comments about this place about these people, by now. Thinking about her making faces and Chay nudging her not to make those faces but her ignoring him and rolling her eyes,I laughed out loud, Ken and Big who were walking infront of me turned around and gave me a weird look. “What?” I asked looking at them confusedly. “Why are laughing? What is so funny about a gym?” Ken asked irritated. “Well there is nothing funny about this stupid gym.” I said rolling my eyes. “Then why were you laughing?” Big asked. God  why are they are so nosy? “Why do I have to answer that?” I asked now getting irritated. “Then were you laughing at us?” Big asked raising his eyebrow. “Oh my god. I was laughing because I was thinking about my Siblings. I was thinking how my sharp mouthed sister would throw sarcastic comments and how my brother would scold her” I said not liking how they were forcing answers. “Hope they aren’t like you!” Ken said hi-fi-ing Big. “Oh! Believe me they aren’t. My sister would have kicked your ass by now!” I said snickering. Pri is totally opposite of Chay. Chay is soft hearted, can’t talk back and is innocent whereas Pri can handle a bit crude, has the guts to talk back when someone tries to trash her down and is far from innocent. “yeah we will see about that” Ken said brushing me off.

“The second rule , all kind of personal devices aren’t allowed.” Big said snatching my phone. “Except when you are out on a mission. If you have to make a call use the central phone” Big said pointing at the phone. “and of course all the calls will be recorded.” Ken continued. Not call home? Oh my god! Pri is going get herself killed by doing something crazy and Chay is going to be confused about it . “Is it bodyguard stay place or a prison” I said getting irritated now. “Watch your mouth” Ken said. “No, you watch your mouth” and then we got into a small disagreement and I ended up pulling down his pants and then Chan had to control it. I then entered my room only to find my roommate only in a tank top working out. This is going to be a long day.

Porschay’s pov

She is so hard to live with  Thanks to Hia I never realized that. This women is just to impossible to handle. “Pri please come out of that room let’s have dinner” I said standing infront of her room’s door. “Am not hungry. You eat though.” She shouted back. “Pri COME OUT.NOW!” I shouted. The door slammed open and I flinched “Don’t you dare shout at me” she threatened holding out her paint brush. “You could have told me you were painting” I mumbled entering her room. “Go eat” She said trying to push me out. I just went in and stood infront of her on -  going painting. “It already looks very beautiful.” I said observing it. “Thank you” she mumbled. I sat with her till she was satisfied with her work. We sat in silence the only sound audible was Pri’s BTS songs playing in the background.  After a while she said “Let’s go eat”  cleaning up her brushes. “do you miss Hia” I asked her playing with my food. I was missing Hia pretty bad. “No” she answered not even looking up. “of course. That’s why you placed three plates instead of two.” I sassed. She just looked at the plate and kept staring at it. “ Maybe” she whispered. “It’s Saturday night” she said trying to change the subject. “Let’s watch a movie?” she asked. “Fine. What do you want to watch?” and then we got totally diverted and started talking about different things.

Porsche’s pov

KINN IS NORMAL? NORMAL?? NORMAL MY ASS! HE LITERALLY MADE ME KEEP AN APPLE ON MY HEAD AND SHOT IT. Right now I was sitting infront of projector and was being forced to look at Theerapanyakun family’s businesses, history,etc. I got so bored I didn’t realize when I fell asleep. I got caught. After a lot of training and very little food.I thought I could rest. But boy -

I was being bullied. I was made to wear a mermaid costume and was left in a pool and was being watched by Tankhun his bodyguards, Big, Ken and Pete. This was so embarrassing. They were doing this to me just because Tankhun’s carps had died because I had peed in the pond but that’s not my mistake. If they had told me where the washroom was this would have never happened. Thankfully Kinn came and all the bodyguards left. I thought he was going to help me but he started teasing me. After Kinn convinced Tankhun that he was going to get him new carps he left me. But Kinn and Big stayed to tease me further and told me I was going as his bodyguard today night.

I got drunk and messed up my official first day. Right now we were standing infront of the mansion to welcome the Minor family. The elder son Vegas smiled at someone, so me and Pete got into a discussion about, at whom he smiled.Then I was on Carp pond, again. A boy was lurking around the pond maybe he is the maid’s son. I know a maid who looks like him. He misbehaved, tried to hit me but instead fell in the pond and hit his head.
He went and complained to his father , who happened to be the head of the Minor family. Oh shit. My luck. Kinn almost killed me after slapping me and choking me. Then Pete tells  me am lucky as Kinn protected me. As if. He told me I could’ve actually been dead. He told me Kinn was not always this cruel but when I asked what had happened he told me to drop it.

I served Kinn his coffee and stood there and waited for him to have his coffee as he mocked me. He then had a sip of coffee and made a face from which you could clearly tell how much he hated it. Then Tankhun came and praised me for breaking his cousins head and saving his carp’s pond and then asked Kinn to exchange bodyguards. Me in the exchange with Pete and Kinn agreed. These cousins are all so weird

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