Chapter - 6

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Porsche’s Pov

I got stuck in a freaking jungle, handcuffed to Kinn. This couldn’t get any worse. We escaped those idiots but at what cost. One week of break, was it too much to ask for?

We struggled around the jungle to survive till someone found us and fell asleep in an old broken down truck.

Pete’s Pov

I and Pol were following  Khun Vegas and we got busted. He bought us dinner and a few other things. We always ended up getting caught. Always.

Kim’s Pov

We were practicing but today Pri wasn’t here. So I sat infront of Chay asking him about his brother. Indirectly of course but it wasn’t being much useful. He would tell me things I already knew. So I changed the subject and asked him about his twin. Just to get some information. “So what about your sister, what’s she like?” I asked. “She’s a whole different vibe. She acts all tough but at the same time she is a little baby.  Me and Hia obey all her orders, that’s why she gets bossy. She loves her art supplies and music a bit too much. She is very strong or atleast acts like it. She has learned how to fight from Hia, says combat makes her feel powerful.” He said, over sharer. “She can fight?” I asked. “Yeah pretty well. She took out 4 boys that were bullying me once.” He said.  “Now if you will excuse me P’Kim, I have to leave.” Chay said shying away. “Yeah of course.” I said dismissing him.

Porchay’s Pov

I left from the studio and went home to get changed. “Is this too much?” I asked my sister who was literally sprawled on my bed. “Wear whatever you want, that guys been crushing on you since months now” she said casually while my mouth hung open. I never knew that! “Why did you never tell me? How do you know?” I asked her still soaking in the information. “Well he never put enough efforts so I didn’t want to bring your hopes up and see you get hurt. And I knew cause he always kept asking for your number.” She said shrugging “Why did you never give him then?” I asked. “We should sometimes let them put efforts. I wanted to see how serious he is. Always remember your worth Hia, never settle for less.” She said now getting serious. “Aye aye captain. Am leaving now.” I said. “Bye. Be safe.” She shouted as I left. Macau was standing beside his car scrolling through his phone but as soon as he saw me he shoved his phone in his pocket. He wore casual black jeans with a white t-shirt along with a green varsity jacket. While I wore a simpler outfit, black jeans and a baby blue sweat shirt. “You look pretty.” He complimented. “Thank you. You look good too.” I complimented back. “Thank you. Should we get going?” He asked opening the car door for me. We went to the arena and played games for hours. Macau had a very competitive spirit and literally put on fights with the machine when he lost. We almost got thrown out. We then sat at a nearby park and had our food talking about random things. When we reached my place he got down to drop me, “Today was fun. Thank you.” I said feeling the blush creep on my cheeks. “Should I take it as a yes for a second date” Macau teased. “Macauuuuuu.” I whined. “So? I had fun too and Chay I like you a lot like a lot.” He confessed genuinely. “I like you too” I too confused shyly. He came forward and held my hands holding an eye contact. “ I don’t care about anything anymore. We have known each other for almost a year now and I have liked you ever since, so Porchay will you be my boyfriend.” “I would love too.” I accepted. He just hugged me lifting me of my feet. “Am so happy right now.” He said as he put me down. “Me too. I have to go in” I said, stepping back. “ Right. Right.” He said letting me go. I started walking but turned around, ran to him, kissed his cheek and started running back. “GOOD NIGHT.” He shouted with a big smile on his face.

Kim’s Pov
Porchay had forgotten his wallet and I had been trying to call him but he wasn't picking up so now I was calling Parinya, but she wasn’t picking up either. I got a little worried. So I tried calling her again.

Pri- ummm hi.

Kim- Why do you sound like that?

Pri-  I was sleeping.

Kim - hmm. Your brother forgot his wallet here and he isn’t picking up his call.

Pri -  Oh. Keep it with you. That idiot needs to learn. Ok whatever I’ll come get it. Send me your location.

Kim – No. I’ll come. Send me your address.

Pri – Am alone at home and you are telling me to send you my address at this late. Uh huh

Kim – Yeah, right like I have nothing else to do.

Pri – Well, you are calling me at 10:30 just to tell me about a wallet when you could have called tomorrow.

Kim – address

Pri – 1-0. I’ll text it. Bye Kimmy.

I got her text as soon as she hung up. I reached her place only to find her wrapped in a shawl standing at the gate. I rolled down my window but she didn’t move from her place, instead she folded her hands and stood there. So I had to get down to hand it over. I walked over to her and held the wallet out, she grabbed the wallet but instead of taking it she held my hand and pulled me closer. There was very little gap between us, she was staring at my lips. Suddenly she brought her hand up and brushed it over my skin under my lower lip. “How did you get this?” she asked brushing over the cut I had gotten in the morning. I was still staring at her and felt tongue tied. “Uh..It is just a small cut.” I said taking a step backward. “Oh ok. Thank you for this. Good night.” She said smiling. “Good night” I said as I saw her leave. I stood there for a good 10 mins before leaving.

Parinya’s Pov
I came back and fell on my sofa. My heart was literally beating so loudly that I could hear it. I don’t know how I got so bold back there and grabbed him and brushed my hand on his face like that. My hands were literally shaking when I was touching him and had literally felt butterflies when my fingers came in contact with his skin. Ugh. This was all so weird, it was the first time I had such a serious crush on someone. All my crushes before were either fictional men or drama characters.
I knew him before we went to see him at the University, because of Chay of course. The only thing is when I saw him I thought he was very attractive and then I started listening to his songs and fell in love with his songs and then I didn’t realize when I started crushing on him. I sound so smitten. Kim, what are you doing??I have a reputation to hold.

Porsche’s Pov
Lot to take in one day. Kinn apologized for what he did to me, I ended up kissing Kinn and then we got attacked. Kinn took a bullet and that’s when our people showed up. Tell me about bad timing. Right now we were in a hospital room and Kinn had just woken up. I was sleeping in this room because the Ac in my room wasn’t working not because Kinn said that this place is haunted. The jungle safari did change us. It created a bond between us which for now didn’t have a name. but that wasn’t necessary right now, we were happy beside each other. For the first time in days I fell asleep without any negative thoughts. I slept peacefully with a smile on my face.

Taehyung looks soooooooo good with blonde hair 😳🔥
Did anyone watch Jungkook's lastest live? I missed it 😔

Also what do you think about the story so far? I don't know why when I first saw the series a part of me wanted to see Chay with Macau. No hate to Kimxchay ship.

I'll see u amazing people in the next chapter!

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