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Porsche’s Pov
Since morning all weird things have been happening with me, first I almost kissed Pete, then the conversation with Khun Vegas and then Kinn and as if this wasn’t enough I was very stressed about what had happened last night. I had no idea what I did after I was drunk and my biggest fear – Parinya Kittisawasd. The only thing that was going on in my mind right now was – She knows I lied to her. She knows, and this thought made me gulp. I was sitting all stressed when Pete asked me what was wrong. “Is it about yesterday night?” he asked. I just nodded my head. “It’s going to be alright. You said she is very understanding right? Am sure she will understand what her Hia was up to.” Pete said patting my back. I know she will understand once I explain everything but to get chance to explain, now that is gonna be hard. She is very stubborn a characteristic trait that all of us Kittisawasd siblings seemed to have. Shit shit shit I remember what happened last night I kissed Kinn. Shit. Great, now I had another thing to stress about.

Porchay’s Pov

I literally dragged Pri to the Faculty of music of Anantrameka University. I was in doubt of whether or not I wanted to study here, the fee here is pretty high. Mc announced that a well known social media personality was performing. I might have an idea who that was. It is because of him and his music I want to study here. “So this that guy huh? What was name again” Pri asked suddenly seeming interested. This is the first time she spoke after two days. She hadn’t said a word since she had come back from Yok’s. I asked her what was wrong but she wouldn’t tell me. “His name is WIK. I want to study here because of him, Pri. He is so good at what he does.” I said staring at the stage. “Pretty face with talent and brains, I see.” She murmured. “Stop gawking at him Pri!” I said pushing her slightly. He started playing and singing and everyone started clapping. I looked over to see Pri and saw her being mesmerized. After he finished his song he gave us a bit of motivation and wished us luck. Then they started asking questions about WIK in offer to is autograph I raised my hand to answer first question but someone else answered it. When the third question came a girl answered but she only half of it. I wanted to answer but the Mc wasn’t looking my way. “What?” Pri asked. “That’s not the whole answer.” “ HEYYY! That isn’t it” Pri suddenly shouted grabbing everyone’s attention. Everyone gave us a look but ignoring them I answered anyway. WIK didn’t answer but clapped, making my sister to look at me proudly and mess my hair. “Let’s leave now.” I said “What? You answered the question! What about your t-shirt. Let’s go get it.” She said holding my hand and dragging me in the direction where WIK and the Mc stood. The Mc told us they were out of t-shirts so I tried turning around and leaving but Pri grabbed me and kept me in my place. “An autograph would be fine, right Hia ?” she asked looking at me. “ I really want to get into the faculty can you be my guitar tutor.” I asked getting excited but then I realized it was too much to ask for. “ I….I.. am sorry.” I said bowing. “Can I have a pen please. What’s your name?” WIK asked and then gave his autograph on my shirt. “Porchay” “Do you want one too?” WIK asked Pri asked but she just shook her head. “No. Thanks for that though.” She said smiling slightly. “ I really hope you get in” WIK said and then we left.

Kim’s Pov
I was going to perform today to encourage some newbies. I climbed onto the stage and looked at the crowd. I finished singing and they started the questioning. They were at third question; a girl answered the question but then “HEYYY! That isn’t it” I heard a girl shout. I looked at the direction of the voice only to find a girl, she was standing beside a guy leaning on him. She had her hair in a bun, her school shirt was untucked, she had a lip piercing, several ear piercings and very beautiful brown eyes. I was able to get a clear look of her because she was in the first row. I didn’t hear what happened after that but when Prankat asked something I started clapping. She looked at that guy proudly and ruffled his hair. I wonder who he is to her. I got down the stage and tried looking around for her but I couldn’t find her. But suddenly I saw both of them coming my way. Prankat told them they were out of T-shirt, the guy tried turning around and leaving but the girl grabbed the guy and kept him in his place. “An autograph would be fine, right Hia?” she asked looking at him. So it’s her brother. “I really want to get into the faculty can you be my guitar tutor.” The guy asked getting excited. “ I….I.. am sorry.” He said bowing. “Can I have a pen please. What’s your name?” I asked and then gave him my autograph on his shirt.“Porchay”. I looked away from them for a moment and saw two guys standing by staring at Porchay’s sister. “Do want one too?” I asked the girl but she just shook her head. “No. Thanks for that though.” She said,smiling slightly. She looks prettier when she smiles. “I really hope you get in” I said, glaring at the guys. Staring at her, huh? We will see how they will stare now. After they left I went home.

I had asked for P’Porsche’s information along with Parinya. Yes I found out her name. Only her first name though. “Here’s the information you asked for” Big said, handing me a file. “There are lots of incidents that took place with Mr.Kinn. It’s like we have a mole. Are you thinking the same thing Mr.Kim?” he asked. In response I nodded “Yeah. I am thinking. What about the girl’s information? Did you send bodyguards for her? I asked, looking through the file. “If don’t mind me asking sir, is she your girlfriend?” Big, asked. “No she isn’t” I said. “Just send the bodyguards and if you’re done, why are you still here?” I asked. “I am sorry. Excuse me.” He said leaving. They are siblings, what a small world. I need to sort this out. I put the photos on the bulletin board. Looks like I need to give out some guitar lessons.

Porsche’s Pov

Today was the day of the auction. I made it sure that I wouldn’t drink so I only drank water and started feeling hot, like really hot. I was then being dragged to somewhere and after that everything was a blur. God I hate it here.

Hiii guyzzz.
So I am almost done writing the 5th chapter. Should I applaud it today itself or wait for the next weekend? Let me know 😁😁
I would appreciate comments.
See u in the next chapter.
Buhhh byee

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