Chapter -12

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Parinya’s pov

Hia came to drop us to school in one of Kinn’s cars. “You guys, excited?” Hia asked, turning around “Yes so darn much.” Porchay replied for both of us while giving a fake smile. Hia then asked us if we had got all our stuff and wished us good luck. We then got down and before we could leave Porchay turned to Hia and hugged him, I stood there for a moment thinking but nevertheless joined them. We hadn’t told hia about out fights because this was the first time he was this happy and we didn’t want to ruin it by throwing our problems on him. We stood there till Hia left and then turned around and left. We got in till the canteen when someone asked Porchay to come along with him so he dragged me to. We went into a classroom, only to find Macau standing there, I understood what was going on. I smiled to myself and moved aside to let Porchay have his moment. Macau then stepped forward and cleared his throat nervously. He then pulled out a bouquet of white and red roses “I am really sorry Chay, I was at fault and upon that I shouted at you instead, I should have told you this earlier and explained everything to you. I genuinely am sorry. Please don’t leave me, I love you.” Macau said and at the end of his speech he looked like he was going to cry. They are so cute, oh how I wish me and Kim could sort it out like this too but yeah it wasn’t going to happen. I quietly snuck out of the room and reached the ground. I sat near the football ground and pulled out my college application and dumped it in the nearby bin before leaving the ground. I was near my classroom when I realised something, why should I give up my dream for some idiot. So I went back and pulled out the application, luckily it was in a file and the bin was empty.  Oh fuck Kim.

Porsche’s Pov

“Code red” I shouted as soon as I entered the cyber room where Arm was working. “Sir. Yes, sir.” Arm shouted while saluting and left to get the equipment that we would need. “Kinn, are you cheating on me?” I mumbled to myself while putting on the headphones and sitting down in the chair. Kinn was in a meeting and I could hear an another guy flirt with him. But what shocked me was they started talking about me. The guy complained about how hard it was to get me and Kinn orders him to check his tone. After he came back I confronted him. “That house, you remember don’t you? That’s the last thing my mom and dad have left for me.” I said. He tried apologising  but I wasn’t having any of it. He told me he was trying to just follow his father’s order and he would confront his father. We then went over to meet his father, to ask him questions. But surprisingly he already knew what we were there for. “What do you want to know first? Between tricking you to work here as a bodyguard or your parent’s car crash?" He asked, now paying attention to us. Wait what does he have to do with the latter?  But before I could ask him, he started talking. “The driver who hit the them, was my friend. So I covered it up in order to help my friend.” He said and my face fell with each word. “Until, I saw Porsche once again.” He said and then got up, he seem to have flashback. “So I’d like to pay for my mistake by having you work here. So that I’ll get to take care of you and your siblings.” He said casually. This really riled me up. “But during the two months that we met, why didn’t you tell me then?” I asked as I yanked Kinn’s hand away from my waist. If he had done nothing wrong why didn’t he tell me before? “If I’d told you directly, would a stubborn guy like you accepted my help?” He asked me giving a pointed look. I was speechless so instead of me Kinn spoke “But I think that you went too far.” But to our surprise Kinn’s father agreed with what Kinn said. I was so frustrated that I wanted to cry so I shut my eyes and then thought about the right words to speak. “Then what you think is right. Thank you, for trying to help. But I don’t want it.” I said and dashed out of the room ignoring Kinn’s calls.              

Pete’s pov

Me and Vegas were in the room talking when Vegas said that his hegedog was breathing unevenly. I told him to take that little guy to the vet and as soon as he left I was able to escape. But when I came out I found Vegas sitting in the lawn. I don’t know why, instead of running away, I went and sat beside him and consoled him. We then came back to the room and things took a wild turn.

Parinya’s pov

After a hectic few days we were finally having a peaceful day. Me, Porchay and Hia were seated in the lawn talking about the past events. “You don’t have to go back to that house anymore.” Hia said combing Porchya’s hair. “Alright” Chay said smiling, but at this moment I was happier about not being in that place. “Thank god.” I mumbled. “What?” Hia asked but I shook my head and sarcastically smiled at him. “Are you not gonna ask me about what happened?” Hia asked looking at both of us. I was going to ask him something when Porchay looked at me and gave ‘the look’, but I simply ignored him and was still going to speak, so this time Porchay hit my foot with his. “Ugh! Watch your foot dumbhead.” I groaned. “WE just want you to be happy, to have peace.” Porchay said. I agreed nevertheless I got up and mumbled “Am out.” And left.

Porsche's pov

The next morning Kinn's friends came over for the breakfast. While him and Time were busy fighting in the kitchen our boyfriends sat at table talking to each other we tried our best. “You took so long to make just these?” I said looking at the food. “Just?” Kinn asked shocked.

Later that day Kinn’s father came and gave me information about the people who were involved in my parent’s murder. He said that the reason he didn’t tell all this to me before was because he felt guilty and this was his way of apologising.

Me and Kinn went over to the given address but I wasn’t able to do anything to the person who killed my parents. I watched as the old man thought his granddaughter to hold a hose properly. I wasn’t able to bring up my gun and shoot him, so I wanted to leave. He told me he was proud of me and then we drove away from there. Kinn then bought me to the place where we first met, the Alley behind the bar. He told me that there would be no more secrets between us and this was a new start for us. 

We were sitting there and eating when Kinn left to get more. I was smoking turned to the other side when I felt a presence beside me, I thought it was Kinn so I turned to the side only to find my uncle. I held onto his collar and asked him why he was back. I let him go when he didn’t answer and just gave me a twisted smile. “I just want to send my regards to korn.” He said suddenly getting my attention. “Oh you didn’t know?” He said handing me a picture. I was speechless after looking at it. It was a picture of my family but what was odd was that Korn was in it. My so called told me he would tell me everything if I gave him 5 million. Where the hell was I supposed to get 5 million from?

Parinya’s Pov

I was fucked. I wasn’t in my senses and wasn’t thinking straight. Just last week I thought about growing my hair a bit but today I had made a reckless decision to chop them off and got a wolf cut. Porchay was on a date with Macau and Hia was nowhere to be found and I felt like if I was alone again I would do something that I would regret later. So when my friends texted me about the party, I picked a dress and heels and got ready. When I reached there Somi helped me do my makeup and then we hit the dance floor. While all my other friends were intoxicated me and Somi were in all our senses. I have having a lot of fun with her just dancing my worries away. Soon Somi’s boyfriend joined her so she danced with him. I felt a hand on my hips and when I turned around to check I found a guy looking down at me smirking, I had raised my fist to punch him but before I could do anything someone elses fist collided with his face. Kim. He then hit the guy and the other who came in support of that guy. I just stood behind with my hands folded against my chest with an enraged look. After he was done dealing with them he held my hand and dragged me till he found an empty corner. “Leave my fucking hand.” I hissed yanking it away from his grip. “Why the fuck are you here?” I asked. Oh boy I was pissed, very pissed. “What’s wrong with your hair?” he asked totally ignoring my question. “I asked you something!” I shouted taking a step towards him but neither did he move nor did he flinch. “That dress. That isn’t even your style.” He said running a hand over my dress. I yanked his hand away and caught hold of it. “Why. Are. You. Here?” I asked putting pressure on each word. “Can’t you just let me live?” I asked him gesturing to the place. This statement seemed to switch something in him as he again looked angry. “Live? What the heck do you think you are doing? This is what you call living?” he asked. “What, I do, how I live is my choice. Why are YOU even here? Why are you messing me up? You used me damn it! Don’t act up now! I never interfered in your life, did I?” I spat at him angrily. “From now on what you do is none of my business.” He snapped and started leaving. “That’s what I was saying, thank you.” I said giving him a mocking bow. He just turned around for a second and then left. I then slid down the wall and broke down in tears. It’s all his fault, all of it.

Hiiii guysss.
Can you please recommend some good revenge kdramas??
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Btw thank you for 2k+ reads!!!💓
Buhhhhhhh Byeeeeeee 😶✨

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