Chapter 9

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Parinya's pov
I was waiting for Kim to pick me up for our date. He was late, again! He was 45mins late,this time! I was done waiting for him so I turned around to get back in the house. After I was halfway through when I heard a familiar sound of Kim’s car pulling up. I didn’t turn around but stopped in my tracks. I heard him get down and open the main gate. I just flipped him off without looking back and got into the house. I locked the door, kicked off my shoes, opened the curtains in my living room and sat down on the sofa. As soon as I settled on the sofa I heard Kim knock on the door but I didn’t budge, instead I got up, got snacks and a blanket and sat back down. From the corner of my eye I could see him fishing for something in his pocket. He then started walking towards the glass doors that separated garden and the living room and then he started messing with the lock. I turned my head to his side when I heard a click. I saw him remove his shoes and walk towards the couch, more specifically towards me. “Hi, Saturn” he said . I don’t know what obsession he had with the planet Saturn and now it was my nickname. I felt butterflies in my stomach thinking about maybe I was important enough that he gave me that nickname.But of course I didn’t show it. I turned my attention back to the Tv and started going through channels even though my whole focus was on Kim and his movements. He sat there staring at me. After a few minutes I got irritated and finally looked at him and asked “What huh what? You were late again. AGAIN!” I said pointing my hand at him. He grabbed my wrist, took the remote, switched it off and said “calm down, Saturn. I apologize for being late. But I had work in the studio.”  “Yeah one message would waste a lot of time, right.” I said, yanking away my hand. “Well I didn’t want to ruin the surprise.” He said finally smiling. “Bullshit. But what is the surprise” I said, getting a bit interested. “come on, Saturn.”  He said getting up and holding out his hand. “Fine” I said, placing  my hand in his.

He drove us to his studio and asked me to close my eyes and I did it without arguing. “Are you ready?” he asked. “Am scared honestly” I said, shaking my head. “ Ok 3 2 1 open your eyes.” He said pushing me in front. I slightly opened my right eye and when I saw the studio my eyes snapped open. He renovated the whole studio based on the design I made the other day. “Oh my god! Kim, I- I don’t have words that looks beautiful. I made this” seeing my creation come to life and looking this beautiful brought tears to my eyes. My hands were on my mouth and my eyes were teary, I must be looking hideous. “Don’t cry Saturn. Do you like it?” he asked, looking at me. “like it? I love it. I didn’t know you liked it so much.” I said, turning around and looking at him. “You are so talented, of course I liked it.” He said opening his arms and I instantly hugged him. “you wanna see my personal recording studio?” he asked, placing his chin on my head. “Yeah” my voice came out muffled and he started laughing.

“I love this place. Am gonna crash here more often.” I said smiling as I sat on the chair. “uh huh is it so” he said pulling the chair I was sitting on. I slowly  leaned in and so did he. One of his hands was still holding the chair while the other held my face. When our lips touched I forgot about everything around me and literally melted into a puddle. “Wanna go to the theatres?” he asked, letting me go and holding the chair again, now smirking while I breathed heavily. “Will we get nachos” The atmosphere totally shifted, as he gave a gummy smile. “Sure,Saturn.”

Porsche's pov.
I found a picture of Kinn with another guy and asked Pete who he was. “That’s Tawan, Kinn’s deceased ex.” Pete said. Kinn’s dead ex? It’s probably him who is haunting. I asked Kinn but he said there was nothing between them and he just used Kinn. Next day we visited a temple and then there we Tawan and then caught him and brought him back.

We held Tawan in our underground cell and started questioning him and started questioning him.

This was getting on my nerves. They let this guy Tawan stay here and he is doing everything to get close to Kinn, and I won’t lie I was jealous. All those pictures and everything. So I visited P’Yok for some advice.

So I started working on the idea and it was working, really well. But then Pete had to interrupt and to make it worse he was drunk. After irritating me for a while he let me sleep. After he left I and Kinn continued what we were doing. I then had a very brief conversion with Tawan.  

The next day I went into Tawan’s room and fixed a mic in his room. I then sat there listening to the conversation between Tawan and Kinn. Kinn asked him about the traitors, but instead of answering he started an emotional talk. This bitch. He is getting on my nerves.

I went to the pool to calm myself but when I came out I found Vegas. We sat there talking while drinking wine.

When I went back in I heard Kinn agreed to Tawan. They left to get that proof. But at the end of the day he made Kinn doubt me and got me locked up. Wahhhhh the trust he has in me.

Pete’s pov
Khun kinn had sent me behind khun Vegas, but he caught me within minutes. Then we sat in the temple while they performed some rituals. Khun Vegas and I sat in the front while Macau sat at the back smiling at his phone. Am stuck, shit.

Heyaaa guyzzz
How are you people doing???
Well I just wanted to thank you all as my first chapter crossed 100 views.
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I'll see you in the next chap lovely people.

 How's the story so far, do you guys like it ? I'll see you in the next chap lovely people

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