𝟏𝟐 | ❄️𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑴𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕❄️

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Huffing, you continued chasing the duel-haired boy. The idiot had started running towards the central plaza. And as far as you knew, he didn't have any sort of plan.

Being an agent, you knew how stupid it was to run into impending doom without at least a fraction of a plan.

What did he plan to do when he got there? Just let loose with his quirk? That didn't sound like much of a plan. And you knew the difference between when a plan was stupid, and when it was fucking genius.

Or mass genocide. There was that, too.

Seeing the two of you had almost arrived at the central plaza, you watched as he slowed down. Giving you a chance to catch up as you watched him crouch down behind a small hedge.

Quickly running to catch up, you breathed a sigh of relief when you had finally caught up to the boy. Placing your hands on your knees, you took a few deep breaths in an attempt to catch your breath.

"Todoroki! You can't just run off like that!" You scolded. Though, he only shushed you.


Rolling your eyes, you crouched down beside the boy. "What'd you even stop running for anyway? And why crouch down behind this bush?"

Not taking his eyes off of the central plaza ahead, he spoke. "Look." His words were quiet, as if he was trying not to get caught.

Confused, you peered your head over the bush to get a look at what he was looking at. Your eyes widening when you saw All Might essentially trapped by a weird alien-looking monster.

The alien-thing had the lower half of it's body bent back on the ground, either entering or coming out of the purple portal. Whilst the upper half of its body was coming out of the purple portal in the ground. Its hands digging into a certain part of All Might's stomach.

"What the actual fuck is that?" You mumbled. If it had a good grip on All Might, then it's obviously strong.

"I'm not sure. But whatever it is, it looks like it's as strong as All Might." Todoroki commented, making you huff in annoyance.

"It was a rehtorical question!"

'If anyone other than All Might rushes at that thing thinking they can kick its ass, they'd need to be sent to a psychiatric facility.'

'If they survive, that is.'

Seeing All Might being pulled further into the portal, you tensed. His arms strained in a way where he couldn't get out. The warp guy began closing the gate, ensentially squeezing All Might.

Furrowing your brows, you tried thinking of a plan to help All Might get free. Even though you didn't want to die today, you couldn't just sit around and watch everything go down like it's some movie.

Glancing between the fight and the ground you stood on, you paused upon seeing something green running towards the fight out of the corner of your eye.

The USJ had lots of grass and bushes, so it wasn't surprising that you saw something green, but this green was... familiar.

"Is that... Midoriya?"

Looking in the same direction as you, the two of you watched as the boy got closer to the fight. Hearing him yell out All Might's name as he jumped towards him, reaching his hand out with a scared smile on his face.

Unexpectedly, the warp villain appeared Infront of All Might. Getting in between the strained Pro and the greenette, creating a small portal for his hand to go through. Assuming it was his plan to rip his hand off or something.

An Agents Path | S.Todoroki x F!Reader | Mha/BnhaWhere stories live. Discover now