A/N - Why I haven't Updated

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Hello all,

I know I've been kind-of MIA this month, and haven't updated in over two months, and I'm extremely sorry about that. I have my reasons, though they're not all that good.

I've mentioned College a few times, that's still going on and will continue for another thirteen weeks until halfway through the summer. But, just recently I was told something that has immediately begun to take up all of my time.

Originally, I wasn't going to take my GCSE exams this May because I had no way to get there, and it's at 9:30 in the morning. Though, mostly because I had no way to get there. However when I got home Monday (22nd), my mother told me that someone would be driving me, so I'd be able to take my exam. I was actually pretty happy about this, as I want to do everything I can to solidify my future as a good one. I started studying on Thursday, because I was busy both Tuesday and Wednesday, and so far everything was going smoothly. I wasn't stressed or anything. Until I realised starting that same Thursday, there'd be exactly four weeks until my exam. That made me freak out internally. Then I missed studying yesterday because I had to go out shopping with my parents. This wasn't so good, as on Wednesday I had made a schedule to keep everything in order and leave myself stress-free. I'd get free time and still get four hours of study in every day (minus Monday of course). So today I've been trying to get the four hours plus yesterday's, which adds up to eight.

To say I've been stressed out today would be an understatement. I severly overestimated myself and how much I could do in one hour, and found myself needing two extra hours for what I thought I could do in one. I've not completed yesterday's studying yet, and I've been studying since nine this morning (it's 17:29), having two small breaks so far. One for lunch and one because my fingers felt like they were going to drop off. So with the pace I'm at, I'll be studying until I have to go to sleep.

I'm using the small amount of break time I've allowed myself to write this, but I'll have to get back to studying any minute now as I'm writing this since my idiotic arse left it to last minute. I know this isn't much of a good excuse, but you guys deserve an explanation and apology.

I'm extremely sorry about this, but I won't be updating this book or my other one until I've done my exams. That way I won't have to stress about studying.

With all said and done, I'll see you in four weeks!

- DaBakugoSimp

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