light yagami|dirty alphabet

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A - aftercare / what there like after sex
This man is a gentleman, you know it. Be was raised right. He takes care of you like your a queen/king because you are. He runs a bath and helps wash you, makes you some tea and you to relax for a bit before falling asleep.

B - body part/ his favorite body part
He loves your neck so much, it's always covered in quickies, let's just say your a pro at makeup.

C - cum/anything to do with cum
He will release in your mouth, Inside of you, on your stomach, thighs, anywhere.

D - dirty secret
He likes it when ryuk watches you both fuck.

E - experience
You think he doesn't have experience? He's had atleast 2-5 girls before you, but your definitely his favorite and he's a 'god' at sex.

F - favorite position
cowboy, and but up face in the pillow. He likes being top and having control.

G - goofy
Very serious

H - hair
Well groomed actually. Very smooth,  I hair at all.

I - Intimacy
He's really intimate and romantic, unless your riding him while he's writing names in his death note.

J - jerk off
He's not very horny so he rarely does it and would rather have the real thing instead of just jerking off.

K - kink
You riding him, and when your sucking him while he's doing kira things at his desk.

L - location
Bedroom and bathroom Infront of the mirror. He likes to see his godly work in action.

M - motivation/what gets them going
You sitting on his lap or when your crying
And the thought of L watching security cameras.

N - no/ what turns them off
If L tries to intervene, or when Misa buts in.

O - oral
He's ok at it but much better with his hands.
So he's more of a receiver that a giver.

P - pace
Fast and rough, or slow and rough, either way it's rough.

Q - quickies
He doesn't like them, if you both are gonna do it he wants to take his time with it.

R - risk
The biggest risks he's taken is fucking you at his parents house and fucking you in the task force main room.

S - stamina
Be can go about 30-45 minutes before he gets exhausted but if it's a stressful day he can go 60-80 minutes.

T - toys
He has a few toys under his bed somewhere and you know about some of them.

U - unfair
Definitely teases you,  no doubt. I think he's flaunt the fact that ryuk is watching.

V - volume
This bitch is loud as fuck, not just grunting and groaning, full on moaning your name, you'd think you are the dom one.

W - wild card

X - x-ray
Not to girthy, but it's 7½ Inches

Y - yearning
Again, he's not to horny so he doesn't really yearn for sex.

Z - zzz
Sleeps about 30 minutes after sex, tries to wait for yo uto fall asleep first so he can see your cute sleeping face

Now I know my abc's next time won't you sing with me!

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