lawliet x rude reader *requested*

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A/N requested by Raiderfam777
Hello, sorry for not uploading sooner!! But here is lawliet x rude reader! I'm also working on ruin x reader dark nights, watt pad keeps removing my progress tho :D I'm thigh to try and write this in character prospective! So here we go
Spelling mistakes and errors ahead!

y/ns pov

"I'd greatly appreciate if you'd turn your phones off and set them down on the table over there"
L spoke with a calm tone, his messy hair was hiding his eyes but I could tell where he had been looking.
"why should i?" I spoke in retaliation
"Because i find it annoying when it interrupts a meeting, especially one as important as this"
I set my phone down and sat on the couch next to a guy with black shoulder length hair.he looked stupid...
I can see l glaring at me.
Soon everyone sat down and we started the meeting.
"You will all reframe from calling me " L". Refer to me as "ryuzaki"."
'A alias? Smart move.'
"Understood" all the men agreed and moved on.
"A scruffy name for a hobo lookn ass dude"
"Excuse me?" L spoke in confusion

"We will be taking precautions, and here is how; we will give you aliases." Right after he said that a man brought out a suitcase and gave it to L. He opened it and it contained ID's with fake names.

"Fake ids!? Were apart of the law we can't be carrying around those or we will get our licenses taken away!"
L went on to explain how this will work but I heard none of it. I zoned out while staring at the table with a slice of cake on it.
"Y/n? Are you listening?"
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm listening."


The meeting just ended and everyone is grabbing there phones and heading out. As I went to the door L asked for me.

"y/n.. Stay for a minute."
I turned around and walked over to the couches
After everyone left i as going too ask why he asked me to stay but he spoke first.
"I would like to ask you something. This might take a while, so take a seat"
I sat down.
"Why are you particularly rude to me? Your not some middle school boy whom has a crush on Cleo from class 1B, your indisputably a very intelligent young women and from what I here you are kind. So why?"
I thought for a moment before responding
"Why do you care?"
"Because your rude. And I don't appreciate being lied too."
He spoke sternly, kinda scary.
"Oh no the pandas mad, what should I do?"
"Act civil"
He got up and walked over to me.
*sorry if this is out of character for L lmao*

"well if you want to act rude... I can too."
He tucked the hair that had fallen over my face behind my ear and stared at me for a second before bending over to kiss me.

My eyes widened as his tongue slipped into my mouth.
He was so aggressive and passionate.. Is this his revenge? He and I swapped places not breaking apart from the kiss. His hand traveled down my waist And he slipped it into my pants. He poked at the wet puffy bud and I let put a breathy moan.
"I see.." He said and he lifted me up. Soon my back hit the couch and he was on top of me un-buckling his genes. He kissed me again and took of my pants. His slipped off leaving our bottom halves unclothed. His member slipped so easily into mine.

L kept a steady pace trying to find that special spot.
He sucked on my neck to block his own moans.
The room filled with sounds of wet skin against skin.
"Ah pl-ease~ ryu-"
"L. Please- nghah~ call me L"
"L please~ ah~ I'm gonna~"

He started going harder and faster

"oh~ mm~" ngh~"

he started letting out his own noises. He hit the spot over and over and over again and it became hard to hold back.

"don't~ ngh~ hold back- nhgyuh~ ok dear?"
I nodded in response and he pounded the spot

My brain melted and my eyes rolled back as I released my juices. L pulled out soon after and painted my stomach with hot white strings. I saw a slight smile of satisfaction and pleasure come across his face. He collapsed into my chest and I felt him relax.

"see what happens to rude girls?"
"Heh.. I might need to keep being rude then.."

L's pov

Her breathing is so calming.. I love the way her heart beats match with mine. Her chest moved with every breath she took.
"We made a mess.."
She broke the silence with her beautiful voice.
"I will clean it up later."

She kept petting my hair.. So relaxing.
I sat up and looked down at y/n. Her eyes sparkled in the light. Lips slightly glossy from our long make out session. And she's mine.

I kissed her one last time and got up to start cleaning. She sat up soon after and began to clean herself. "Wait" I told her.
I walked up to her and knelt down. "I just want to try this out quick, ok?" i lifted her shirt up and licked some of the pretty strings of her stomach. I stood up shortly after and saw her blushing.

After cleaning up she kissed me goodbye and grabbed her phone. "don't forget to shower" I reminded her. "I won't forget!" she said as she opened her phone "ah!? 72 missed calls!?" She dialed a number into her phone and almost instantly got an answer. "WHERE ARE YOU Y/N IVE BEEN WAITING AT THIS DAMN CAFE FOR 25 MINUTES!" An angry girl screamed thru the phone "Omg I'm sorry!! I need to freshen up quick then ill Be right there I promise!!"
She hung up and turned to face me "Goodbye L!" She left and i heard her footsteps getting farther away slowly fading into silence.
"hm?" I heard them once again running in the opposite direction "dam it wrong way!" ah.. That's y/n.

*beep beep* watari is calling.

"yes watari?"

"How was that pus-"


thank you for reading!! Hope you enjoyed this one, I had fun writing it, have a good day,bye bye!

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