🥤1~ Some Planning

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It was a Saturday, outside, birds were chirping, the snow was extra white, the sun floating on the horizon, creating a warm sense in the air. I was asleep, spread out on my familiar bed. When suddenly, my eyes open, adjusting to the light from the window. My red, curly hair in the way, I wipe it away, sitting up and stretching. It was pretty comfortable, an old, baggy tee and my plain, grey boxers on my body, the soft fabric was comforting.

I check my phone before I get up. Only a TikTok notification. I swipe to my messages, gaining motivation to do something. I message my best friend since kindergarten, Stan Marsh. "Hey dude!" I say, waiting for a response. "What's up?" Okay, he's awake which is good! "I was wondering if you wanted to do something today?" I typed confidently.

I've always admired Stan, he had a partner, Wendy who had silky black hair which was up to their shoulders, they usually wore a hat or a beret, both purple. However, I've always felt jealousy towards them. Maybe it's because Stan's my super best friend and I feel like they're stealing him from me? But it's not like that, it's more of a platonic thing! I always wasn't a fan of being social, but when it came to Stan, he was the exception.

"Yeah, sure. What do you have in mind?" He follows up my question with another question. "I was thinking we could go to the arcade thats 1.4 miles away from the school." I haven't been to an arcade in a while, 2 years ago was when we last went with the group and Cartman kept trying to get his money back from the machine while Kenny was picking up dropped change next to the vending machines. Cartman kept messing me and Stan up though, so it wasn't much fun.

"Sounds good, man! You can come to my house in the meantime, like in 30 mins or something and we could play Legend of Zelda or Mario Kart or something. I replied with a thumbs up. That's what Stan would usually do when he wouldn't know what to say in a conversation. I was excited, me and Stan haven't been able to do stuff like this in a while.

I finally stretch one more time before standing up. I open my closet, a lot of old figurines and clothes. I pick out a grey KISS T-shirt, and some Batman pajama pants because I have a right to be comfy, besides, it's just Stan.

I slide my arms into my shirt, popping my head through the hole at the top and pulling it down. I hop into my comfy pants, they have a cotton layer on the inside which keeps me warmer. I put on a heavy brown jacket, it was Stans until he left it at my house one night. I Pop on a Brown, grey, and white ushanka, similar to my old one, but different at the same time. I put on some old, fluffy Hanukkah socks with dreidels printed onto them. Since I was going for a comfy look, I slide on some Nike slides and I top off the outfit with a silver chain necklace.

Before I walk out my bedroom door, I grab my wallet and phone and shove it in my pockets, swooping my glasses off the night stand before descending down the stairs. It seems that Dad was gone, and mom was still in bed, so I text her where I'm going. That's when I head out the door, locking it on the way.

Walking there felt like a fever dream, I mean nothing happened really but the air seemed... nostalgic. I slowly approach Stan's house, ringing the doorbell.


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