🥤6~ The car Ride

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Kyle pov

"Hey, wake up, Kyle." I heard a deeper voice whisper softly. The same voice I heard say that he loves me. The same voice I'd awake to, my head in his lap. "What time is it?" I sit up, rubbing my tired eyes. "It's 8:30, it's starting to get dark so we can go on over." I look around the room for a bit. "Oh, okay. I gotta get my hat and stuff... Give me a few minutes." I smile, grabbing my hat and bolting to the bathroom.

I run my fingers through my curly hair, trying to get it to flatten a bit. I put on my brown, fluffy Ushanka hat, a few strands falling onto my face. I guess I didn't realize my glasses were already on my head because I was searching for them for a few minutes and figured it out. "Okay, I'm ready, Stan."  Stan grabbed his keys and started walking out the door, me by his side. When we got outside, the slightly trashed KIA that he inherited from his mom sat in the driveway as Stan started throwing and catching his keys. He unlocks his car as I sit in the passenger seat, Stan froze, looking as his phone while he sits in the drivers seat. He seemed to be a bit zoned out. "Stan?"

"Oh, yeah sorry." He responded quickly, starting the car. The rest of the car ride we listened to his stupid but hot rock music, he was jamming out the whole time while I just smiled at him. Next thing I know, we arrive to the arcade.

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