🥤7~ The Arcade and some Nostalgia

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Stan's POV

Though the car ride was fun, I was far more excited about the arcade. We got out of the car, Kyle stimming happily. I could tell he was excited too. Since the arcade was built into a pizza place, we had to reassure the cashier that me and Kyle weren't going to steal food from the all you can eat buffet... no promises!

When we step foot into the arcade, 80s music played in the speakers, 1 on each corner of the building. When we stepped inside, there were so many games, but the most important right now was getting the game cards. "Do you wanna share a card or two separate ones? Kyle asks. "Eh, sharing one is better because most 2-player games only require one card." I clicked the 'One card' option in the machine, Kyle was impatient, he can't stand consistency. I select The '$100- T200' which converted my $100 to 200 tokens.

"Dude?? You're spending $100 already?" Kyle asks with a concerned look on his face. "Most games are 2-15, besides, I work at Spencer's, and there are too many horny-ass adults purchasing Xxl rainbow vibrating dildos." Kyle tried holding in his cute laughter. I continue doing the transaction while Kyle was on his phone catching up with his TikTok notifications. Despite Kyle's 10k followers, I've been more popular than him though, once I got our card, we first headed to the two-player games,  the first game was this Jurassic Park shooting game where you shoot dinosaurs, I swiped the card, and I and Kyle got to the position to shoot. "Whoever gets the most kills wins!" I smirk. "Oh, your on! I'm gonna crush you like a bug under my shoe!"

No one's POV
The two boys selected medium mode,  putting their hands on their prop guns. They continued their determination, but the final winner was Stan. "Yes! I told you id get more points!" he exclaimed. "Good game dude!" Kyle smiled. They played all the games in the arcade at least once, a few minutes later, the boys were in complete nostalgic bliss. They had so much fun.

The boys played all the games until they reached the back of the arcade, noticing a new game machine. Guitar hero. The game they beat a million points on when they were 10. "Stan! They have guitar hero!" "WAIT REALLY?" "YEAH!" The two boys conversed.


The best part about guitar hero is the memories. Sure, the music is great and all, but spending time with Stan was a million times better. We stepped up to the machine, grabbing the controllers as Stan swiped the card, selecting 'Carry on wayward Son" just like the good old days. We played at least 3 rounds, Stan's determination as we quickly push the buttons on the controller. It was mesmerizing. We at least got 89k points, rusty but we still had the talent. I felt electrified by the happiness and how Stan was just so... Great! We continued playing all the games until we finally racked up the tickets. We got 39800 in total! Jesus dude. Me and Stan were both shocked at the amount we got, mainly from guitar hero. We got a Rick and Morty yoga ball as well as a whole bag full of candy and energy drinks. So worth it.

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