🥤8~ ICEE

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After we got all our prizes in the car, we started it up. "Hey Kyle, you down to goof around tonight?" Stan looked into my eyes. "Mmmm... what do you mean by that?" Stan had some devious look on his face. "We can get gas station food, stock up on snacks, hang out at the playground, whatever you want dude!" I, of course, couldn't say no. That sounded like a dream. "Of course!!!" I stimmed happily. "Wanna skate over there? There's one a mile from here." "I didn't bring my skateboard," I admit. "Who said anything about skateboards?" Stan opens up his trunk, revealing 2 pairs of roller skates. "Dude, I can't Roller Skate." "It's okay! You can hold my hand."

At that moment I knew that I could take this advantage or just chicken out. But I decided to take it. "Okay," I say, hesitant. "Dude, wouldn't Wendy not approve of this?" I question. This would ruin me and his friendship, what if he takes this the wrong way??? "Oh, I and Wendy aren't together anymore..." My stomach dropped, and I felt happy but sad. "Oh god, are you okay?" Stan looks at me. "Yeah, I'm okay Kyle." He smiled sincerely. He put our shoes in a small backpack in case we got tired.

We both put our roller skates on, skating on the sidewalk. When his hand conjoined with mine, this whole situation felt so unrealistic, it was like I was floating in the sky. Stan dragged me the whole time ain't I didn't know how to start. Little did I know you pushed off the front. But his pale fingers in between just felt so good. I look at Stan, he is focused on the sidewalk. "So, Stan.." I start. "How does love feel?" it was a dumb question, but Stan didn't think that. "Well, it's kind of like a warm, fuzzy feeling in your stomach." "No dude, that's cum." he paused for a moment, then burst out laughing. He laughed so hard he let go of my hand and made me fall on my ass.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the gas station, a 7/11 next to a hotel. I spoke out finally. "Can I Take my skates off? I'm exhausted..." I complain. "Sure! I will too" Stan crouches down and unties his laces as I do too. "So, what have you been up to recently?" Stan asks, untying his last shoe. "Well, it's been good. School sucks ass though." We both put our roller skates in his bag, then grabbed our ACTUAL shoes. I was wearing Converse while Stan was wearing high-top ones. They were already tied through, so we just slipped them on.

Once we got to the gas station, we headed inside as the bell rang. The cashier was lazy, half asleep, when we finally realized it was Tweek. "AGH!! What are you guys doing here?!" He jumps. "We're just getting snacks, and would like to order something." Tweek jittered. "O-okay, what do you want?" He bites his nails. "Nachos sound good?" Stan asks me. "Yep! One big thing of nachos!" Tweek enters the nacho order, looking back at us. "Wanna get ICEEs?" I recommend. "Sounds good! I'll get blue and I'm guessing you want red?" He smirks slightly. "Yep!!! Sounds perfect!" I exclaim. "Alright!! That-that'll be $15.89..." Stan hands Tweek a 20-dollar bill, as Tweek puts it in the register, then gets to work.

From there, I and Stan just talked about the whole situation we were in minutes ago and how much fun it was!! Stan also informed me about what happened with Wendy, he said he broke up with her and didn't want me to come after her. We hear sudden footsteps approaching. "AGSGSG!! Here's your order!" Tweak yells. "Thanks, Tweek!" I say before we head out the door. There was a nearby park where I and Stan settled on sitting. When we arrived, it was empty but calming. I and stan shared our nachos on the way, then sat on the old kid's playground.


I and Kyle we're now just sitting next to the kid's playground, taking sips of our ICEEs. I feel like Kyle knows I like him, we kept making awkward eye contact. I slowly reached for a nacho as Kyle did as well. That's when our hands touched, grabbing the same nacho. We both looked at each other, not breaking eye contact. That's when we both leaned in. We pecked each other on the lips, then went onto a full make-out session. Our lips kept rubbing against each other, and that's then when I licked his lip to ask for entry. I never thought it'd happen. I'm kissing my best friend. Once I got in his mouth, our tongues swirled against each other, our saliva mixing. We shifted into a comfortable position as I moved the nachos aside,

I slowly got on top of Kyle, his blushing was so adorable. We kissed for about 5 minutes in total, then finally gasping for air. "I-um, I'm sorry," Kyle states. "Dude! I enjoyed it... Are we uh, official?" Kyle looked at me, and a more flustered face appeared on the redhead. "If you want to be... But this is going too fast, can we try to slow this down a bit?" Kyle asks, avoiding looking at me. "Of course. I'll always give you patience. Or as we'd call it a 'Slow Cosby' in middle school." Kyle giggled a bit,
Smiling with his adorable smile.

The rest of the night we spent just hanging out, walking back, and talking about our feelings for each-other. Nothing can ruin this... right?

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