🥤4~ Fun in the Snow

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We walked up the slightly steep hill of Stark's pond, my hands surprisingly don't get as cold as Stan's, so I should be fine for awhile. We continue walking as Stan got slightly behind me, as soon as I look back, SPLAT!

A snowball had gif my face, I heard Stan snickering. "Oh, you little whore." I say, grabbing a snowball with my sleeve and throwing it at Stan, running towards the road, I look back and Stan had thrown another one, but it didn't hit me. I looked back and it had hit a redneck's truck... oh, it was Kenny's dad. "Stay out of the road, damn kids!" He says, rolling down the window. We see Karen in the car and wave at her.

"SAY HI TO KENNY FOR ME!" Stan yells into the open window as we continue running. "Wait, Kyle." Stan says, stopping, breathing fast. I almost forgot he has asthma. He catches his breath slowly, "Sorry, take your time." I say. Stan smiles a bit while throwing a snowball at my balls, he missed horribly. "Dude, your aim sucks!" I say laughing. "God damn it!" He says playfully.

Time passed slowly, though it was only a 10 minute walk, I felt like we could do that all day. When we arrived back at Stan's house, we both collapsed onto the snowy ground, catching our breaths. "That was fun." Although i agree with him, it was tiring. "Yeah, can we go to your room now? I-I need to rest I think." I say, staring at the sky, squinting my eyes as the sun gets into them. "Yeah, let's go..." he smiles, breathing heavily.

He slowly gets up, giving me his hand to help me up. His face hovering over me as his hand reaches for mine. That moment made my stomach queasy, and I got caught in it for what felt like minutes, though it was only a second. "Thanks..." I say, obviously blushing. I couldn't tell if Stan had noticed or not, but we started to head inside after that, my stomach still fluttering slightly.

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