🎸2~Kyle's Room

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When we arrived at my house, my parents had already left, but Ike was fine on his own. Mom still was suspicious of him after the whole 'SkankHunt42" situation, even though the troll trace website proved it to not be him. I had finally realized that my hair was everywhere from where I'd just woke up, but whatever.  When we got to my room, Stan sat down his stuff and sat on my bed, so I followed.

I moved into the attic so dad could have a storage room without going upstairs, he was lazy somewhat, so I don't blame him

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I moved into the attic so dad could have a storage room without going upstairs, he was lazy somewhat, so I don't blame him.

Stan pov

I looked around Kyle's familiar room, Kyle sitting next to me. "I gotta pee, be right back dude!" Kyle closes the door. Should I snoop around a bit? I look around to get used to the place, usually he snoops around my room when I pee so I have the right. I mean, everything looks normal so far- that's when my thoughts were cut off. I looked into Kyle's drawer, it was his diary. Im gonna respect his privacy on this. But good to know i suppose. The door to the attic opens as Kyle walks up.

"Dude oh my god!" Kyle walks up to me. "Huh?" I look at the red headed boy. "I just got invited to Tolkien's party!" He jumps. "What party" I raise an eyebrow. "It's tonight! At 3 to 10 PM!" I mean. I was in a good mood today. "We can go if you want to!" I put an arm on his shoulder. "Okay! I gotta get ready though... it is only 12 though." I suppose we stayed up later than we should have because normally I wake up around 10 PM or earlier. Most of the nights I stay up till like 3 or 4 though, so im not complaining. Since we didn't get a lot of sleep last night, we decided to take a nap. Since kyle was already comfy, I put on pajamas and we both drifted off to sleep, holding each other in our arms. It didn't take long until our legs intertwined, we just got comfy until we fell asleep.

Kyle pov

My dream was weird. I was running towards Stan to find out that Wendy had gotten to him first. Then the dream ended. I quickly sat up as soon as I woke up. "Okay! It's just a dream, Kyle, you're fine." I think before I check the time. The alarm was gonna go off in 10 minutes so I decided to go on and get ready. I put on a dirty white tee with some ripped jeans and a flannel jacket.

I think I look cool! I decide to go without the hat, i felt confident today! I brushed through my curly hair when suddenly the alarm went off

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I think I look cool! I decide to go without the hat, i felt confident today! I brushed through my curly hair when suddenly the alarm went off. Stan slowly opened his eyes. I walked up to him. "Kyle?" He looks at me. I Place a Kiss on his forehead "Evening!" I say, Stan drools a bit. "Morning." He replied, turning off the alarm. He stretches and finally starts to get ready.

He wore some cargo pants and a gothic T-shirt and jacket

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He wore some cargo pants and a gothic T-shirt and jacket. Then, we were ready to go.

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