the beginning!

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{Trees🌳 pov}
As my two itsy, bitsy feet in my loose shoes trample against the pavement of the school grounds and my small hands grasp onto the large school doors i walk into the enormous building where children get inslaved.

I walk to my locker and insert my code to unlock it, i grab the large books i needed for the day and locked it like any normal day until i hear his voice...

"TREE!!!!! YOU OWE ME MONEY" his loud dominating voice holler's.

"I-i... What did i do l-lorax..." I stutter trembling in my large, over sized shoes.

"WHERE IS ME LUNCH MONEY YOU BITCH!!!!!" he yells once again.

"I-i dont have i-it..i-i told y-you, my e-extremely abusive p-parents dont feed m-me..." I say as my eyes get stuffy with my clear, sweet tears.

"Ugh, fine, meet me behind the school dumbwit!" He says after punching me hard in the face.

I sat my petty bottom on my huge chair at the back of the classroom like everyone else did, i grabbed my book and planted it on my large desk, since i was so small i had to stack all of my other school books on my chair as a boost too see the board, but the lorax beats me to it everyday. I sit there just copying what my desk neighbors write in their books, my pen is massive i have to take writing breaks to rest my petty hands.

{Lorax⛺ pov}
As my pen glides against my white lined paper i fiddle with a toothpick, gum in my orange mouth and kicking my front neighbors chair knowing nobody not even the teacher would do a single thing. Ever since the Once-ler stole all me blummy trees i have gained a hatred for people especially tree.. god why does she have to remind me of the day i couldn't save my trees, shes a constant reminder of my failure! I throw my toothpick behind me and it lands in trees eye as i planned, she started to panic like the looser she is.

"MY GOD TREE, STOP BLEEDING IN MY CLASS!" Mrs hongketworth reprimands her for graffiting the classroom with her glossy blood.

"MWHAHAHAHAGAHA" i laugh evily as she was panicking.

~after school~
{Readers📖 pov}
Tree and the lorax meet behind the school alongside a big bunch of students and some teachers in the audience ready for a massive fight, tree had a toothpick in her eye since the nurse and nobody cares for her, she was still bleeding but the lorax took that as a advantage.



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