~honest truth~

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Tree sat there confused, left alone with her thoughts. She wanted to see the stars again, those white dots that covered the white padded walls.

"Hello?" She called out, searching for whoever had her captive.

"Hello no.0, i assure your in no danger" a strange male voice spoke from an intercom. "I promise ill be kind, i just need something from you" he spoke once again.

"W..who are you?" She asks.

"Someone who can save you" the voice hollered again.

"Save me? Save me from what" she questions.

"The honest truth"

Thats when she stopped responding, 'the honest truth?' what did he mean by that. Why was tree needing to be saved, especially from something that cant be hidden for ever.

"What do you mean? This doesn't make any sense. Why do i need to be saved from the truth." She responds after minutes of silence. But she couldn't get what she seeked, she couldn't hear an answer. The man had left, he stopped speaking into the intercom. She took too long.

Shit. If i took less time thinking he would of responded. God, wheres the lorax. UGH.


Another pitched sound, like the ones before.

I braced myself, whatever is going to happen, ill be ready. Ill be ready for whats to come. The truth can fuck off, why should i have to be saved from it.

"Come on! What are you planning-" i couldn't finish that sentence. My body felt stiff, i couldn't move, my vision was slowly deteriorating, i couldn't speak. Thats when my body went limp once more, my feet couldn't hold me. I fell onto the cushioned floor and fell into a slumber, a dreamful slumber.
This was shorter for a reason, i plan to make this a 2 part chapter like heart stopped. Kisses 💕

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