~The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth~

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Part 2 of honest truth
{Lorax pov}
Shit, i was too late to protect tree. God, this is all my fault, everything, i just had to hurt her, now shes a target. A taken target. God what am i gonna do now. It hasn't even been 10 minutes since i woke up but he could still be doing stuff to her.

"Im so sorry tree.." apologizing now is not gonna do shit.

I need to get out of these chains, seriously, hes got millions and cant even afford good kidnapping gear.

{Reader pov}
The lorax seeps his orange, fuzzy fingers into his chest pulling out a pin. The pin glistened in the soft lighting, the lorax located a cheap and rusted lock, he began fiddling the pin in the lock. He kept fiddling untill he heard a click. He was free.
The lorax stood up on his two orange feet and approached the door.

"Fuck me. Not even locked." He said

He opened the door and looked for tree.

{Mystery man}
My plan. Its perfect, i have everything. I have tree, i have money, and i have that darned lorax. Nothing can ruin this. God, im so good at lying, tree has no idea she could save the world. Now I've

just gotta kill her, if shes alive, theres no way I'll get what i want. I need this to work, tree can't get in the way if she thinks shes mad, and plus, theres no one who'd want to save her.

"Oh shit." I forgot to lock the loraxs door, FUCK.



Right, honestly, i got a bit lazy. I've started to loose motivation for this and the only time i write is when im in a car or during nights, i will try my best but i might be going to a new school so i can promise you more chapters if i do.

 I've started to loose motivation for this and the only time i write is when im in a car or during nights, i will try my best but i might be going to a new school so i can promise you more chapters if i do

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Credits to one of my online besties 💕

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