~heart of a flutter~

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{lorax's pov}
My mind rases with possibilities of whats going on, my main one is that tree had become a....HALF HUMAN HALF TREE HYBRID!!!
im sat on the floor examining the small, pink haired girl lying on the floor who was just dead like 20 seconds ago. I stop my dialogue when i see her long pink eyelashes start to flutter, she moans for exhaustion and because thats what neary everyone does after they have been revived.

She reaches one of her hands towards me, i hesitate but pull her up by my extreme strength, i could feel the jitters she had through the connection of our fingers. The girl who was just laying there lifeless now has a life of a tree, she was the last alive.
"What happened..." She questioned as she rubbed her eyes in confusion.

I was left speechless, no words seemed to slip out, my heart was racing but fluttering as a butterfly, i think i have fallen in love.

"I... Your alive? You were just-" i managed to slip through those words as i looked at the young beauty.

I must protect her, she must not see another person again. She's to important.

{1 hour later}

I was sat in front of the young girl sipping marshmallow hot chocolate, she said it would help my mind focus or some sort. I had completely forgotten about what her dad did, but her wounds were completely gone.

"Do you feel, um, different?" Say say placing the cup down

"A little, just a few tingles then and there, why?" She says looking down at the stone cold floor.

"I- its nothing, ill tell you later"

{Readers pov}

The two of them sat there on the ripped couch, silence filled the room as the lorax stepped his feet.

"Um. Im sorry" he said

"Sorry for what?" Tree replied.

"Hurting you. The anger i kept inside, i just had to realise it onto you. You've done nothing to me, amd yet i hurt you" he said fiddling with his two fuzzy fingers.

"Lorax, i hate you, and I'll always hate you for hurting me, amd dont expect an apology to fix multiple years of torcher and abuse. I thought when i come close to you, you would love me back. I will only give you one more chance since you brought me back. And I mean one chance. Dont mess that up" she said spilling her feelings towards the man who hurt her.

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