heart stopped 😭

23 1 0

~trees house~
{Lorax's pov}

"EY SCALLY. OPEN UP WHORE!!" i screamed punching the door.

I hear footsteps and light sobs when the rusted door finnaly opened reveling the small, insucure, injured tree, she had cuts and bruises that weren't there after the fight, her eye looked deformed and swollen, she had a bad limb from a somewhat gash on her ankle. Her eyes dripped with salty tears and i stood there examining her injured body.

"I..who did this?" I say with a angry tone.

"N-no one, its...its ok i promise!" Tree said obviously lying in self defense.

I barge my way in shouting for trees offender, she stood there upset and shocked as i search her small messy house, i throw items on the floor as i scurried to find the person who did this.

"TREE. JUST TELL ME" i screamed at the young, hurt, and lost girl standing there with eyes full of her tears.

"It...it was..." She stuttered, struggling to let words through, "its was my...my dad..." She mumbled the last part.

Fortunately the lorax heard, he stomped around the small, dirty house tree lives in, searching for her father.

BAN BAM BAMMMMMM cliff hanger 🥺

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