ch1 ep4

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I type in...
You: Today?
DewyChuu: "if not today then, when are u free?"
You: I mean today is okay, today is fine! Can we facetime the details over? Here's my number #
I just wanna make sure she's her.
But then almost instantaneously My phone starts ringing...
Shit I look so bad right now!
I say out loud, I pick up anyways trying to compose myself and fix myself up. Then as I pick up.
I see her and wow is she pretty!
"Hey there! So I think we should meet at the park 10 am. Is that alright with you?"
Her voice is so angelic.
I think to myself.
Yeah, great! Sound wonderful.
She chuckles a bit and says
"Alright wear some active attire then!"
Ok ok sure thing! I'll see you there.
"Yup, see ya gorgeous."
She smiles and hangs up.
I feel the heat rise to my cheeks as I start to blush.
Gorgeous ? Omg she called me gorgeous!!
I'm overjoyed but then I the return back to reality.
10 AM?
I look at the time and its 8 am.
Oh my Goodness gracious I need to get ready ASAP!
I make myself some breakfast, avacado's and toast and then get ready

I still can't believe I'm already going on a date, so early but I'm so excited!
Anyways dewy told me to wear something active...something active, something active...

I think to myself as I walk in to my closet. I walk in further and go all the way to the back of it and find the close to perfect active attire.

I wear this white shirt with a basketball Jersey on top of it, some black shorts and match it with some Air Jordan's to pull the whole look together

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I wear this white shirt with a basketball Jersey on top of it, some black shorts and match it with some Air Jordan's to pull the whole look together. Then I brush out my hair and wear some light makeup.

I didn't even know I had this in my closet, though I'm probably gonna get all sweaty and gross I might aswell look cute upon my arrival

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I didn't even know I had this in my closet, though I'm probably gonna get all sweaty and gross I might aswell look cute upon my arrival. I think to myself whilst applying my lipstick.
As I look at the time I see that it's already 9:51 Am. I quickly get a bag and stuff some essentials in it especially lip balm, deodorant and my wallet.
I walk out the door and head to the park.
As I get there I scan the area for Dewy. But then when I see her...I spot her playing basketball with some guys. All though I'm quite extroverted I'm not one to walk in to an active conversation. Before I can even get the chance to pretend to be busy on my phone She spots me.

"Hey! Jaden, beautiful get over here!"
She says gleefully.
I walk over to her and the guys while getting overwhelmed by the smell of sweat and manliness.
Hi Dewy, hey guys! What's up?
"Hey there!"
One of the men say
They all continue to great me.
It's fairly decent group consisting of Dewy and 5 guys.
"We've just been ballin' how are your basketball skills?"
Dewy asks looking at me.
I'd say I'm rather okay.
I say knowing damn well I can't hoop to save the life of me.
"Great, let's start with a test round to really see how good you are."
Dewy says with a smirk.
(Basketball gods lend me your powers.)
I think to myself nervously.
"Let's go."
She says.

We play for about 20 mins and I've seem to be blessed because I'm doing rather okay here.

"All right, pretty face. Killer bod. And hooping skills. Wifey material for sure!"
Dewy says putting her arm around me.
I feel my cheeks heating up as I blush.
If you like it then you should put a ring on it.
I say giving her a wink as I take her ball and bounce it back to her indicating another round.
She says and as she bounces it back the games begin.

30 mins later

Surprisingly me and my teammates win. 3-1
Good game.
I say as I check my watch, 11AM.
"How about me and jaden against you five?"
Dewy suggests.
Pardon? That's unfair 2 against 5.
She replies. Wrapping her hands around my waist.
"I wanna team with my girl."
She says looking into my eyes.
Looking back at her I take in her beauty. Those perfect almond shaped eyes, her soft looking beautiful lips, the sweat droplets that look like crystals around her face. Her cute nose...everything. I want to kiss her. But alas I contain myself.
Well then let the games begin
I say as I give her a peck on the cheek.
(I had to.)
Dewy let's go of me and catches the ball as it bounces our way.

We play for about 2 hours and me and dewy win one round whilst the boys win the other. I look at my watch and see its about to be 1pm I had planned to go shopping with amber. As we sit on a bench I text amber shopping will have to be post poned to 1:30 pm she's alright with it as per usual as her carefree spirit is.
"Who ya texting?"
Dewy asks.
Just my best friend we have planned to go shopping around this time so I'm just letting her know it'll have to be a bit later.
"Oh my no no don't let me keep you, let me walk you home then.
Dewy requests.
Awh How sweet of you, alright let's go.
We walk to my house and once again dewy holds me around my waist I proceed to wrap my arms around her neck and stare into those perfectly almond shaped, dark brown coloured eyes of hers.
"You're so pretty jaden. You're almost perfect."
Dewy says.
You're one to speak, have you seen yourself? You're drop dear gorgeous.
Dewy leans in for a kiss, this is the moment I've been waiting for. At the front of my door step Dewy lays her lips on mine, and they're just as soft as I suspected, but.

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