ch1 ep 12

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I see Amber and she's dancing with a girl, they almost look like they're matching aswell as they're both wearing black lingerie.

I see Amber and she's dancing with a girl, they almost look like they're matching aswell as they're both wearing black lingerie

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I watch as I see amber swaying her hips side to side, butt pushed back on her going up and down on the beat. Basically grinding on her...
(Why does it hurt seeing her dance with someone else? Must just be because I'm her bestfriend, right? Just a friendly jealousy...)
I think to myself.
Although I still head back to Christian and drink all the alcoholic drinks already, ready on the table.
"Slow down Jaden, what are you doing?"
I say nonchalantly as I take another cup.
"Yeah obviously, I can see that too. But why so much suddenly?"
I ignore what he says and grab another cup again. On my 4th cup Christian takes it from me before I can finish it.
I say.
"You're drunk."
I'm not drunk, just tipsy.
I say almost falling over.
"Yeah just tipsy? Don't lie jaden, you almost fell over."
Christian says.
Eh yes, everyone does that, no?
I respond
"Come on let's get you home, silly."
Christian says.
Hell no! I want to dance, dance, dance!
I say pulling Christian to the dance floor.
"No, why?"
He asks.
Come on! Just one dance then we can go!
I say trying to give him my best puppy dog eyes.
"Fine just one, alright?"
Christian says emphasising on the one.
Yeah, yeah whatever.
I say as we get on the dance floor.
I start by just holding Christians hands and nodding my head but then turn around and put Christians arms around my neck and start swaying my hips going low and back up. I glance once every time to see if Amber is watching, I see she is and turn back to Christian. I step closer to him and start lipsyncing some of the lyrics looking intensily into his eyes and taking his arm to turn me around every few times. I see Amber coming up to us from my peripheral vision.
"Hey Jaden, hey Christian, I just wanted to let you know me and Charlotte are going for drinks and I'll probably be staying at hers.
Amber says.
Yeah, sure me and Christian were about to leave for my house too so I'm glad you're going.
"Oh, uhm okay?"
Amber says sounding a bit confused.
Get lost, oh my gosh you're being so annoying right now.
I say still dancing
"Sorry? You sound like you've been hanging out with Gina."
So what? She's probably more fun than you anyways.
"What the hell Jaden? What's gotten into you?"
Amber asks tears forming up in her eyes.
"She's dr-"
I cut Christian off.
Go cry to Charlotte, you cry baby, byeee!
I say turning my attention back to Christian who looks upset, still dancing. Amber takes her robe and runs away with Charlotte right behind her.
I say.
"Enough Jaden, we should go too!"
Christian says grabing my hand as we head out.
Party pooper.
I say upset.
"Yeah, whatever Jaden."
He says firm.
We enter his car and Christian starts the car. I put my seatbelt on and Christian says.
"That wasn't nice of you to say to your bestfriend, Jaden"
Christian says.
Her dancing with another girl wasn't very nice either.
"How so?"
Christian asks.
I don't know okay, shut up.
I say.
We drive back in silence.
We arrive at my place a bit later.
Thanks chrissy, let's hang again soon?
I ask.
"Sure thing babygirl."
Christian says.
I give him a kiss on the cheek and step out of his car. As he starts to drive off I wave him goodbye. I head inside and crash into my sofa. A bit sobered up now I say.
That was pretty shitty of me to say to ambs I feel terrible I say with a groan as I fall asleep.
The next day I wake up with a pounding in my head. I get some water as I'm severely dehydrated and drink it.
Ugh my head is killing me.
I say as I pick up my phone.
No messages from amber and it's 10 am already.
I see Christian has texted me and some notifications from finder. I open Christians message first.
Baby bsf: "you alright? Been thinking about you."
You: "I'm fine, sorry for the way I acted I guess I for sure owe you one now."
Baby bsf: "haha, no worries gotta keep my babygirl safe you know."
You: "thanks chrissy."
Baby bsf: "brunch?"
You: "see you in an hour."
Baby bsf: "say less."
I head to the bathroom, take a quick shower and get ready. I wash my face, remove my makeup from last night. brush my teeth, hair and wear something casual. a white tank top with some jeans and sneakers.

I proceed to go with a no makeup, makeup look aswell

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I proceed to go with a no makeup, makeup look aswell. Which means I wear something light. No foundation, just concealer, blush, mascara and lipstick.

I go downstairs sit on the sofa and I wait for Christian to pull up, meanwhile to pass the time I open Finder as it starts up I delete some creeps from my direct messages who have sent me stuff I wish I could erase from my mind or make me wash my ...

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I go downstairs sit on the sofa and I wait for Christian to pull up, meanwhile to pass the time I open Finder as it starts up I delete some creeps from my direct messages who have sent me stuff I wish I could erase from my mind or make me wash my eyes out with bleach. I go back to the swipes I swipe a bit but after a while a certain profile catches my eye...

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