ch1 ep6

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About 3 minutes into my walk to starmoneys I see someone familiar.

About 3 minutes into my walk to starmoneys I see someone familiar

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(Is that?)
I think to myself. As I see his eyes lock onto mine.
We both say each others name at the same.
"It's really you Jaden! Wow you look so..pretty."
Ah, heh thanks you look so..good!
(He looks hot as fuck, he looks better in real life, it's unfair how god damn fine he is.)
"What's up? Where are you going? You didn't respond to my text message haha."
Oh I'm just on my way to starmoneys. Uhm about that text message...
I clear my throat.
I..I'm still thinking about a response.
"That's alright, I can wait. For you I'd wait as long as it takes."
I blush hearing that.
Yeah, thanks.
"All right, babygirl. I'll let you be, see you around."
Cya chrissy!
I exhale silently and continue walking to starmoneys. I steal a glance at the time and it's 2:55pm. I better hurry if I want to be there on time.
When I finally arrive at starmoneys I see Adam standing at the entrance, on his phone, fingernails painted as red as my lips and of course, looking fine as hell.

When I finally arrive at starmoneys I see Adam standing at the entrance, on his phone, fingernails painted as red as my lips and of course, looking fine as hell

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I walk up to him and he takes his earplugs off.
Hey handsome!
"Hello there my Angel, you look even better in real life than on camera."
So do you.
"That dress makes you look so fucking hot."
Thanks, you look nice too.
(I feel like I overdressed.)
I blush a bit as we walk into the cafe and order.
"An iced coffee, please."
"And for the lady?"
The barista asks.
Oh an iced matcha please.
I say with a smile.
We get our drinks and go sit down.
"It's nice to see you."
You too! I feel like we've been waiting for ages.
"I agree, hopefully we won't have to any longer."
What do you mean by that?
"Nothing, nothing."
Oh, uh is your coffee?
"Fine, the matcha?"
It's tasty haha.
We talk casually for a bit and drink our beverages.
Oh didn't you say you had a surprise for me?
I ask.
"Ah yes, it's a place I wanna go."
You know a place then?
"Yes, I hope you'll like it."
Is it far from here?
I ask.
"Nah, we can walk there."
Ah alright, could you tell me more about this mysterious place
I say with a slight chuckle.
"You'll see when we get there!"
He says.
I say kind of nervous.
(I sure hope I don't get kidnapped lol)
A few minutes later we walk out of starmoneys.
"Let's head to the place, follow me."
He says as he holds my hand and we walk away. I blush a little at the fact that we're holding hands. About three minutes into the walk he says.
"We're almost there."
As I look around I see a we're in pretty secluded area, but it looks well kept and beautiful.
We walk a bit further and eventually come to a stop. We have come to a halt infront of a forest.
A forest?
"Are you afraid?"
Adam asks.
Uhm I'm afraid of the fact that we are standing infront of the forest at about-- I take my phone out and look at the time --5:45pm babes.
"The thing I want to show you is quite a bit in there, I've been here often we won't get lost."
Ok that helps a bit I guess.
"I'm not trying to kidnap you..."
Adam says.
Oh ok great, let's go.
I say still nervous. He gives me a kiss on the cheek, holds my hand and we enter the forest.
Is it far?
I ask again.
"It's a bit of walking we'll have to do."
"Are you scared of bugs?"
Adam asks.
Not necessarily, I'm more so scared of going into a forest.
"Relax, my pure angel."
Ok, I'll try.
We walk for 20 minutes till I see a little horse carriage.
What's this?
"I said it's quite far so I hired this."
Adam says with a smirk.
Let me help you enter.
Adam helps me into the carriage while he gets in a few minutes after talking to the driver.
"It will take about 30 minutes to arrive, an hour on foot."
Oh ok, great.
I reply. I look at the time and its 6pm.

30 minutes later.

"We're here."
Adam tells me.
Oh alright.
He steps out and helps me out of the carriage.
As he holds my hand the carriage goes away.
When I look around I see...

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