ch2 ep1

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A quick A/N: these stories are a work of fiction, these people are not actually involved with the story in real life.

Hi Char.
I say, walk up to her and kiss her on the cheek.
"You woke up just on time, breakfast is ready!"
Charlotte says and hands me a plate of eggs, avocado toast and strawberries.
I love strawberries! Thank you so much!
I say and give her a hug.
We look each other in the eyes deeply and I give her a quick kiss on the lips. Then We both sit down and start eating our breakfast and talking.
"So you and that Jaden girl, what's up with that?"
Charlotte asks me.
Oh her and I are bestfriends, have been for YEARS.
"Well it looks to me like your "friend" has a little crush on you pumpkin."
Charlotte says.
Haha, as if she dates a new person every other week.
I respond laughing.
"If you say so."
Char says casually and continues eating.
After breakfast we decide to plan a little dinner date, I ask Charlotte to lend me some clothes and she gives me this short dress with zippers.

After breakfast we decide to plan a little dinner date, I ask Charlotte to lend me some clothes and she gives me this short dress with zippers

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I put it on and check myself out in the mirror.
"You look beautiful in my clothes."
Charlotte says.
Why thank you, gorgeous!"
She grabs me by the waist and gives me a kiss on the cheek, we both head into the bathroom and do each other's makeup.

Why thank you, gorgeous!"She grabs me by the waist and gives me a kiss on the cheek, we both head into the bathroom and do each other's makeup

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Then around 7pm we go on our dinner date

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Then around 7pm we go on our dinner date. Charlotte offers to drive so we could save some money. We pull up to this restaurant that looks really fancy and romantic. We walk in and a nice lady greets us and leads us to our table. A tad bit latee a waiter comes up and hands us our menu's.
This place is so fancy, omg!
I say to Char.
"I know right! I've only been here once before."
Oh really, wity whom? If I may ask.
"Yeah of course! Just my ex, he and I ended on good terms though so no worries!"
She says as she gives me a smile.
We continue to look through the menu's and not much later we order. And continue chatting.
"So I've told you about my ex, now you spill."
Charlotte says looking at me intrigued.
Well, I'm not a serial dater like my...ex friend Jaden but I have some stories.
I say.
"Go on..."
Charlotte says. time I dated this "guy" who catfished me and happened to be a girl! I also dated a murderer, he's currently in jail. I thought he was ghosting me when he didn't respond, turns out he was on trial.
I go on and on about my past relationships and get some heavy stuff off my chest. Meanwhile our food has arrived and we eat as we continue talking.
"No way you were THAT delusional."
I wouldn't say it was me being delusional, I think I was getting manipulated.
"Manipulated by his dick?"
We both laugh and decide to go to a bar later on. We walk out of the restaurant making sure to tip a little. And head to Charlotte's car. I pick up my phone and realise that Jaden and I haven't chatted at all yet. I miss her but refuse to text first I see the time and it's only 10pm. Charlotte starts up her car and drives me to my apartment. When we arrive she says.
"I'll be back to pick you up at 2, alright?"
See you then!
I say and blow her a kiss.
She drives off and I head inside.
I start by taking a shower and then looking on finder. I see a lot of people that would be Jaden's type but then finally find this attractive looking guy who lives scary close to me, before I swipe right on him I decide to check out his bio, his name is Blaze and his jawline could practically cut GLASS, he has a motorcycle and likes things fast..? Oh well! I swipe right and decide to get ready, I wear this cute black dress with a white cardigan.

? Oh well! I swipe right and decide to get ready, I wear this cute black dress with a white cardigan

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And do my hair and makeup the same as before. Minus the sunglasses as it is late. I then decide to drink some water and look for some new gigs I can take, I am broke after paying for me and Charlotte's dinner date. Around 2 as promised Charlotte picks me up.
"Gas prices are HIGH these days, venmo me for being your person uber?"
Char asks looking at me.
Pardon?! I didn't ask for u to be my uber...
I say censirely baffled.
"I know but I'm being nice so you should be nice back, pumpkin."
She says as she places her hand on my leg.
Trying to keep my composure I respond with.
Sure, I'll venmo you just text me later.
"Thanks pumpkin."
She says and we drive to the bar and upon arrival I see a CUTE guy I walk up to him desperately trying to get away from Charlotte and greet him. After some small talk we decide to start dancing from the dancefloor I spot someone familiar, as I take a closer look I see that it's...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08 ⏰

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