ch1 ep 15 - ch2 ep1

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When we arrive I finally see Gina's outfit.

When we arrive I finally see Gina's outfit

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And makeup

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And makeup.
She looks...really pretty.
"Thank you so much sir."
Gina pays and we walk into the bar, it seems to be fuller than usual.
"2 shots please!"
Gina says over to the bartender.
So why did you invite me?
"Why you? I don't wanna hang out with that backstabbing bitch, Angelina."
She says.
We get our drinks, clink them and down it.
Fuck this is strong.
"Hell yeah! Are you ready to go insane?"
As ready as I'll ever be I guess.
I say.
"Keep em coming sir."
Gina says to the bartender and he nods back.
We take shot after shot and for some reason the people in here start looking better and better.
After about 8 shots I can barely see clearly and Gina's words are hard to understand.
I just smile at her and see her signalling to dance, I get up...almost fall over and head to the dancefloor with her, we start dancing and really get into it until I see a familiar face.
It's Amber dancing with a guy this time.
(Did Charlotte ditch her?)
I think to myself and squint trying to get a better look at her, she's wearing.

A black dress with a white cardigan, she looks wayy to cute today

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A black dress with a white cardigan, she looks wayy to cute today.
But I try to ignore her and enjoy my time with Gina.
We really get into the music until I feel a tap on my shoulder I look over and when I see it's Amber my smile drops.
"Hi Jaden!"
She says excitedly.
What's up?
I say mono tone.
"Isn't it funny I run into you drunk once again?"
She says keeping the excitement in her voice.
I guess?
I say still keeping the mono tone but raising an eyebrow.
"Uh yeah, can I talk to you?"
Go on.
I say.
I say walking outside with her.
Amber start playing with her cardigan nervously not saying a word.
I don't have all day..
I say.
"Right, uhm Jaden, I'm really sorry for what I did even though I'm not sure about what I did but I'm still really, really, really sorry about it. Could you please forgive me and can we be friends again? I've missed us... and I've thought about you and your wellbeing just every fucking day."
She says and exhales loudly.
She says with a twinkle and tears in her eyes.
I am really fucking wasted, right now.
I say.
I say raising a finger in the air
I understand what you said...sort of. And yes! I forgive you. But! I need some time to think about us becoming best friends again, I will unblock your number and text you.
"I'll take it, thank you so much for considering it."
"Lets head back inside."
She says.
We get back in the club and I walk up to the bar just to sit down for a moment when I see a man walk up to me,
"Hey gorgeous."
He says.
Hey, oh my god!
I say star struck.
He is H-O-T as fuck!
I think to myself.
"Everything all right?"
He asks with a slight smile.

Yeah, you're just SO FINE! I say basically staring"Ha thanks, I'm Blaze, and you gorgeous?"Jaden, but you can call me yours

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Yeah, you're just SO FINE!
I say basically staring
"Ha thanks, I'm Blaze, and you gorgeous?"
Jaden, but you can call me yours.
"Oh, mine ay?"
All yours.
I say making my fingers walk up his arm and booping his nose.
"I like that."
I like you.
I respond.
"Seems like we have that in common, cupcake."
"You look as sweet as one."
Oh I'm sweet alright!
I say.
"Oh yeah?"
"I'd like a taste."
He says leaning in.
I put a finger on his lips.
Patience, blaze. I can tell you like things fast like your motorcycle.
"How did u know I have a motorcycle? Did the jacket give it away?"
He asks.
A bit yeah.
"Well, you're right cupcake, I do like things fast but I guess I'll have to savour this sweet cupcake here.
He says kissing my cheek.
Well, here is my number.
I say as I gesture to his phone.
And I'll be waiting to hear from you.
"You got it, cupcake!"
I walk away over to Gina and tell her who's basically grinding all over a guy that it's time to call it quits.
"No fun! But fine. Bye Jeremy, Jeremiah, whatever ur name was."
"It was Corbyn!"
The man shouts as we walk out.
We take some pictures and video's then Gina calls an uber.
Afterwards Amber comes out.
I respond.
"I can take u both home?"
"Thanks but no thanks, we have a uber."
Gina says.
"Oh, ok."
I will go with you.
I say to Amber.
"All good, I live closer to the club anyways, see you."
Gina says as me and Amber walk to her car.
"Why come with me?"
Amber asks.
I dunno, I need to pee.
I say.
"Wanna pee at mine? I live closer."
I say as we head off to her place.
When we arrive I basically rush to the front door waiting for amber to unlock it. Being here before once Amber unlocks the door I dash to the bathroom and release myself.
I hear amber walk up to her room.
What are u doing?
I ask.
"Getting ready for bed and you should too soon!"
She responds.
I say.
After I'm done I undress and hop into her bed.

We're changing pov's now, you're going to see what Amber has been going through and thinking whilst Jaden was gone, so let's start from when Jaden was talking to Amber at the party.

I'm having a great time dancing with this new girl I met.
(I hope Jaden and Christian are hitting it off, well!)
I think to myself when, I see her hit the dancefloor too. I smile at her and ask Charlotte what she's doing after this.
"Wanna do sum together?"
She asks.
Of course! I respond, drinks? The alcohol here sucks.
"Bet, shorty."
Let me just tell my friend, be right back!
She nods and I head over to Jaden to say.
Hey Jaden, hey Christian, I just wanted to let you know me and Charlotte are going for drinks and I'll probably be staying at hers. Alright?
I ask.
"Yeah, sure me and Christian were about to leave for my house too so I'm glad you're going."
Jaden says with an attitude.
Oh, uhm okay?
I say confused by her tone and choice of words.
"Get lost, oh my gosh you're being annoying right now.
She says dancing.
I think to myself but say.
Sorry? You sound like you've been hanging out with Gina.
"So what? She's probably more fun than you anyways."
Jaden responds.
What the hell Jaden? What's gotten into you?
I ask genuinely hurt as tears start to form up in my eyes.
Christian says
"She's dr-"
But gets cut off by Jaden.
"Go cry to Charlotte, you cry baby, byeee!"
She says turning her head back to Christian.
I take my robe and practically run away back to Charlotte and we dash out.
Meanwhile her Uber has arrived and we head inside.
"That looked rough..."
She says putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
I say wiping away my tears.
"You know if you had a girlfriend you should've told me so."
Girlfriend? We're bestfriends...
I say confused.
"Oh then why did she act like that?"
Charlotte asks.
I stay quiet and think about it for a second.
I don't think she likes me like that...
I say.
"You never know..."
Charlotte says.
We drive in silence for a bit, her words lingering in the air.
When we arrive at the bar we sit down and get some actually good drinks.
Much better!
I say smiling.
"Are you a heavy drinker?"
Charlotte asks.
Not really, are you?
"Yep, I love my alcohol!"
We laugh at her word choice and continue chatting happily.
After around 3 drinks and 30 minutes later we head back outside to go to Charlotte's home.
I'm so ready to just crash.
"Same girl, same."
We say exhausted from today's events.
The Uber arrives, we head to her place get undressed and crash into her bed. We both immediately pass out.
The next day my head hurts a bit I see Charlotte is not next to me so I take my clothes, wear them, attempt to fix my hair and head to her kitchen.
"Goodmorning, beautiful."
Hi Char.
I say, walk up to her and...

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