A Second Chance

863 18 15

In a city on a long a dark side walk in the middle of a rainy night, a person can be seen walking it, with a briefcase in one hand and holding a black umbrella with the other. He was tired of work, not just in the sense of him just finished his shift. He stopped at the crosswalk, pressed the button and wait for it traffic light to change color, he had no rest as he was thinking of all the work that has to be done. As the light for him turned green , he automatically walked forward, not noticing a car was approaching him really fast on an erratic manner. As the lights of the car start to illuminate his surroundings, he looked at it, both lights with a deafening sound of the tires squeal then darkness and cold.








Y/N: "Well, not gonna say it was a good way to go, but you can't really choose it...no wait, I could if I had payed attention...come on, that was literally the first rule of traffic safety..."



MC: "Wait... how I can think that?"

Then the cold of he felt changed to a pleasant warm, he opened his eyes, seeing everything blurry, he tried to look around but he couldn't move, or more like he don't have the strength to do it. He tried to make the most of his field of view but everything looked the same, he was trapped in something, filled with some kind of water- He then heard something, it was voices, he couldn't pick up what they were saying, but he could feel an aura, one strange but also strong enough to scared him, but as quick as it came, it was gone.

Time skip

Some time has happened, or maybe not, inside of whatever he is trapped you can't really tell how much time it has passed by. But for some reason you feel the urge to get out, he manage to start moving his arms and legs, he couldn't really grab anything as he touched the surface, so he punched it, making a crack. Seeing it worked he kept doing it, making it wider and wider until it finally opened. A strong light blind him for a couple of seconds, but quickly manage to adapt his eyes to it. He saw the source of the light, it was a incandescent lamp, he noticed it was also the source of the heat he felt, he then looked at his surroundings, it was a bright well decorated room, with red pattern wallpaper and gold. He was confused everything that was going on, he then looked at what he was trapped in, and it look like an egg.

MC: "What the..." He thought.

He then saw something move on the corner of his eye, he quickly turned around, to find a hideous hairless creature looking at him with big glowing orange eyes with no irises, startling him he screamed out of instinct leaving a very high pitch noise which even he got stunned, he cover his his ears with his hands. He groaned in pain and look at the creature again, to find him doing the same as him.

MC: "Huh?" He look up and noticed it was a big mirror, he then put attention back to his reflection, and start to touch his face, and specially his peak. He couldn't believe it was his reflection, at this point his confusion was reaching critical levels, but the sound of the doors opening interrupted his train of thought. He turned around to see a small red creature with a white mustache, he was wearing butler clothes so he assume it was one, but what really caught his eye was who was next to him, a tall, very tall creature with brown feathers and black eyes with red irises. It immediately speak.

????: "Oh, you are born, finally, that explains that horrible screech. Don't do it again, its annoying, by Satan I forgot how disgusting babies look."

MC looked at the creature with more attention.

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