Unexpected Visitors

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As the years passed, Y/N manage to fulfill the role his was given, he collected and archived all the knowledge his brothers researched. He also manage to complete his personal project, which he extensively used to help him with the laborious task he had. But above all, he also worked in his plan of isolating himself from the exterior, to not mess with the main story, for even if he don't know what would happen, or even if it really mattered, he was afraid any change would have negative consequences, especially for his well being, that's why he wrote on his Grimoire the original story to not forget the right course of actions. But as proven before, life is unexpected, and don't always go the way you intended.


Stolas: "You know it's quite thrilling to see you on the job Blitzy~"

Blitzo: "Save it bitch I'm working."

Octavia watched them with a combination of a jaded and cringed face.

Stolas quickly turned around at a tent, it was filled with all kind of posters advertising a clown, and on the top of the entrance, a sign that says "Circus". His eyes light up at the sight of it.

Stolas: "Oh look Via! You used to cry such tears of joy at this show!"

That words instantly triggered a PTSD of when she was younger, of how that clown in specific.

Octavia: "Oh no..."

Stolas: "Come on! The show will start soon!" He said excitedly, grabbing her wrist and dragging her inside.

As both entered followed by Blitzo that for some reason was taking his job of protecting Stolas very serious checking for any threat. The place was quite empty, with kids sitting here and there waiting for the show as well. Stolas sit down and next to him Octavia unwillingly did the same. And they were just in time, for the show started revealing the one and only Fizzarolli, or at least a mechanical replica of him.

Fizzarolli: Hey heY hEy its me! The robotic Fizzarolli, here to show you a wonderful show celebrating Loo Loo land (spelled with O's) to avoid lawsuits!"

Octavia tried to hide her face with her beanie while Stolas applauded and cheered the showman, which started to sing basically about the park.

Mid song, Octavia had enough, she stood up and left angrily, Stolas on the other hand, was watching the show with such excitement that he didn't notice he was now alone, well almost, Blitzo was still watching over him shooting once in a while the head of demons dumb enough to try rob Stolas.

Octavia exit the tent and after a minute or so the theme park as well. She look down at her feet, she was both angry and sadden for everything that was happening around her, her father's affair, the constant yells of her mother, the fights, the shame, everything. She then look up, to see a dumpster with the head of Loo Loo, the park's mascot on top of it, and with that, all her sadness was replaced with anger, she kicked the dumpster and transformed into a slim black shadow form and flew along the highway, she don't know where she was going, and it doesn't matter, for she only wants to get away as far as possible from that place, from her dad, from everything.

Back to Stolas

Stolas: "How delightful!" He said while applauding. "That was a really wonderful performance, don't you think Via?"

He of course received no answer, he turn to his right to see the space once occupied by her daughter to be empty.

Stolas: "Via?"

He stood up and walk to Blitzo who was recalibrating the scope of his sniper rifle.

Stolas: "Blitzy, have you seen where my daughter went?"

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