What has to be done

598 15 14

8 years later

In the same room as before, the one with red and gold wallpaper.


Y/N: "And done" I said while closing it and put it on top of a big pile of books that was next to him. "That's that...Now a break!" I stood up and stretch and before I grab the pile of books, I look at myself on the mirror to check my look. I have jet black feathers with a small brown line on tip on them. I look Hell of a lot better than when I got here. I quickly brush them a little bit and fix my cloths that looked more like what a classic movie about 1700s aristocrat would wear, it was green with golden buttons.

I then grab the pile of books and start carry them back to the library, which was pretty convinient for me that Painmon got a really big library, it got books about magic, nobles' code of conduct, Hell's laws, etc... really usefull stuff, since I don't really know a lot of how stuff works on this place... improving my chances of survival. Also reducing my interaction with the characters that appeared in that show. I don't know how much it can change or affect it, which means more risks to my self well being. So far its been only Paimon, but thankfully since he is...well...him, I don't worry to much since at most he talks to me like once a month to check if I'm still alive, what a nice dad!

I whistle a random tune while walking to the library. It was a peacefull day, on this place is like that most of the time, except of course... that 1 day of the year, I knew about it, and even if this palace is really far from the nearest city, those creatures... one was roaming around the perimeter, I watched him through the window, and it... looked back at me. That kinda unsettling face hits different when you see it not through a screen but HD 8K live. Another good reason to not get caught lacking again.

Once I arrived at the big library I saw Olivia brushing the dust on the floor.

Olivia: "Hey, did you just finished all that?" She said pointing at the pile of books I put on a nearby table.

Y/N: "Yep"

Olivia: "You are weird..."

William: "Says the one that put pickles on pizza."

I turn around to see William on a ladder changing the light bulb of a lamp on the wall.

Olivia: "Hey! That doesn't count, you know I love pickles in everything, and don't compare it you reading that book...emm what was its name... The Little Prince!"

Y/N: "No, the one I read was THE Prince, that one you said is just a silly story for kids."

Olivia: "And you should be reading that instead!"

I thought about...well... actually playing the role of the age I appeard to... but...

Flashback about 6 years ago.

Olivia: "Get down from there!" She said to Y/N, that was on top of one of the big windows curtains. "How you even got there! You are literally less than half our size! AND WE ARE IMPS!"

William that was next to her: "You know about bear cubs, well maybe its that, they know how to climb stuff."

Olivia: "Whatever, come down here and let me put this diaper on!"

Y/N just shake in disaproval and pointed at the toilet, then at himself.

William: "I think he said he knows how to use a toilet."

Olivia: "Well I don't care, I don't trust you for that! Now come here!"

Back to present

Yeah... no, I just can't...

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