The Council of Thirteen

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This is just a short

Flashback 19 years ago

Y/N with his cloak on is seen waiting outside of a big dark wood double doors. It was the first formal meeting with his brothers... well... "brothers" since he still not used to it... he before investigated who they were, or at least their names just in case. He would rather not attend these, but its an obligation of all the sons of Paimon to attend them, so he can't really say no.

Y/N: " it is... just follow the plan: 1: Don't make enemies. 2: Don't piss off Paimon... its easy enough... I guess...." He said to himself in a low voice to reassure himself. "Alright, here we go..."

He opened the doors slowly, revealing a highly decorated room with a large table in the middle. The room was dead silent, being the clicks of the clock and the wood cracking in the fireplace the only sounds. The majority of the chairs were already occupied by his brothers, some were just sitting in silence, others trying to entertain themselves with what they can, playing with a pen, reading a book, making doodles on a piece of paper or in the case of Zepar and Eligos, the double headed demon, brought their science project wearing safety glasses and all, one was watching various glass tubes and combining them, the other was taking notes. The rest were sleeping resting their arms and head on the table, except for one that had the face just straight up facing down on it.

Y/N entered and slowly closed the door behind him, searched for an empty space, he looked around until he spotted Stolas which was trying to grab his attention with hand gestures to sat next to him, He instead sat on another empty spot, and tried to ignored him, hoping he would stop trying to follow his own isolationist plan, upon seeing he didn't payed attention, he just resigned with a sadden expression, and Y/N joined the rest in waiting.

Minutes passes and other princes arrive and also sat down waiting patiently for the meeting to begin. Until with a loud kick the doors blasted open, startling everyone, even almost making Zepar drop a glass tube. All looked at the door except from the one that still had his head on the table and just completely ignored the commotion. At the door was another tall avian demon, which attire looked less formal, his half not buttoned and with steins, he was carrying a crate full of brown bottles. Y/N knew who he was, as he knew much or less the names of everyone present.

Naberus: "Hey brothers! How is it going? I'm not late am I?" He said almost yelling with the highest spirits someone could have.

Vassago: "Father hasn't arrive yet so no."

Naberus: "Phew! Good thing, I actually forgot about this meeting and remembered it the last minute heh heh!" He said as he walked around the table leaving a stench of alcohol as he walked by, he then tried to sat next to Zepar.

Naberus: "This seat is empty?" He asked while also patting his brother's shoulder which made him growl in frustration almost like snarling,

Naberus: "Got it!" He said changing his plan and sat on the other only available chair, which was next to the prince that looked like has already passed out or worst, died. He sat down and put the wooden box on the table without any care. He then looked at his brother next to him, that was still facing down the table.

Naberus: "So, how is everyone doing? What are you those two doing?" He said focusing on the two. They in reply just answered with a frown.

Marchosias: "Shut the fuck up!" The guy next to him said without leaving the position he was in since the start.

Naberus: "And what happen to you?" He said while pocking his back.

Marchosias grunted in response.

Naberus: "Come on! Answer me!" He said on a playful manner pocking him even harder. He then raised his head and with an angry face grabbed him by the collar.

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