The Scourge of the Demons

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At Paimon's palace, where normally is quite and somewhat peaceful... well not today.

Inside the room of the council, there was turmoil, some were worryingly talking to each other looking at papers, maps, others were... well... just yelling at each other.




Vepar: "THEY ARE DEAD!!!"

Crocell talking to Renove: "Alright, I got to put a defensive line, I need all your concrete, steel and imps workers have."

Renove nodded while sweating writing it down on a piece of paper.

Crocell: "Wait wait, I'm worried you just heard "Give me a lot of concrete, steel and imps", what I said was "give me all your concrete, steel and workers you have. Do you understand?"

Renove scratch the line from before and wrote it again as he pick up a telephone and start dialing it. Crocell went back to draw blueprints.

Caim: "Malthus! Where are you fucking peasants!"

Malthus: "I'm on it! I can't fucking teleport them all to the fucking frontline!"

While all the chaos unfolding, Stolas and Paimon where watching the footage of the carnage that was unfolding. While Stolas was with a face full concern and worryness, while Paimon just look at it with a stern face, with no expression.

Then the usual black pool appeared near the door, and out of it Y/N, who look like he was just running to catch the bus.

Caim: "Finally the fucking nerd is here! Why it took you so long?!"

Vepar: "Why are you even panting?!"

Y/N: *While trying to catch his breath* "To answer both of you answer both of you... YOU ASSHOLES DECIDED TO CALL ME OUT OF NOWHERE LIKE THAT?! Is it really a DEFCON 1? Heaven declared war?"

Vassago: "Brother, it's the apocalypse..."

Caim: "NO SHIT!"

Paimon rose a hand, everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and remained silent. 

Paimon: "Book kid." He said with monotone. Although didn't say anything else, it was clear he wanted him to come over. 

Y/N walked towards him and look at the small screen he got in front of him. Upon seeing the gore that was getting unleashed he became horrified.

Y/N: "What... what is happening?"

Caim: "A couple of hours ago, I received notice of hell getting attacked." He said in a tone full of worryness, something unusual for him. "At first we thought it was just a false alarm as always, then the calls grew in number, so we thought it was the peak of the Eternal Conflict, but... we noticed that it wasn't heaven. It looks like a man."

Y/N: "What do you mean by a man? Like a mortals... wait? Man? In singular?!"

Vepar: "Look at the footage."

Paimon: "I have never in my life saw someone have that power, that strength, to decimate entire legions, entire armies, without any help, and any damage, whoever this... being is... he is not a mare mortal, he is not a demon or angel, but there is no way a mortal can achieve that."

Y/N looked again at the footage, the footage was blurry and was shaking a lot, whoever was recording was scared as hell, no shit. He then took a glance at who was responsable, unfortunately, he noticed the demon as well, and in a quick swift move charged him, then the signal got lost. Vepar came around and reversed the footage a little and paused it in the exact frame before losing contact. Y/N looked who the man was, his face became filled with horror, he started shaken upon identifying him. Everyone in the room noticed his reaction and all widen their eyes, for they never seen him of all people get like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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