A Promise is a Promise

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Octavia was laying on her bed. It's been a week or so since her uncle gave her the permission paper for her parents to sign. After all this time she only manage to get Stolas one. She was looking at it, the paper looked like the average school trip permission letter, at the end was the sign of his uncle and on the bottom of it it had two spaces reserved for each of her parent's signatures, one filled and one blank.

She looked again at the main text in the letter, and in bold and underline letters where words like: "Dangerous, injuries, loss of life and..."

Octavia: ""CRBN hazards"?! The hell he is thinking we will be doing?!" She said with an angry voice as she put the paper away on her nightstand and look at her ceiling laying already defeated on her bed. "Think Via think..."

Her train of thought got interrupted by a loud growl of her stomach.

Octavia: "And having an empty stomach don't help either..."

She stood up and put her earbuds on to listen to music.

As she walk out of her room and head to the kitchen, she was still trying to think of a way to get both her parents to sign the paper, she bumped with her shoulder someone.

Octavia: "Sorry." She just said automatically without looking who it was and just kept walking till the same person she bumped talk to her.

????: "Hey, you should watch where you are going or you will end up in a manhole one day." The voice said in a calm caring way.

She upon hear that voice immediately knew who he was. Letting out a smile she turned around to face him, it was a tall avian demon with white and light blue feathers a long vest with similar color. For the common folk he was just one of the many marquess of Hell, but only for Octavia was:

Octavia: "Uncle!" She said as she walk in a hurry towards him for a hug. For her he was the only friend she had, as he would stay and play with her while her parents where busy dealing with their respective works.

Andrealphus: "How have you been, sweetie" He said while patting her head.

Octavia: "Better." She then part away. "What are you doing here?"

Andrealphus: "Well, I came here to talk with your mother but first I thought about visiting my favorite niece, what have you been up to lately?"

Octavia: "Well look." She while snapping her fingers, letting a small pink flame, which impressed her uncle.

Andrealphus: "That's pretty neat, did your father finally taught you magic? About time."

Octavia: "Well... it wasn't him." She said slightly sadden, but quickly brush it away.

He opened his eyes wide.

Andrealphus: "Wait... your mother did?"

Octavia: "Neither her, it was one of my other uncles" She quickly replied.

That made him even more astonished, peeking his curiosity

Andrealphus: "Really? That's quite unusual from them, may I ask his name?"

Octavia: "Y/N"

Andrealphus eyes open even more wide than last time.

Andrealphus: "The Librarian?"

Octavia: "You know him?

Andrealphus: "Well... can't say yes, I've only heard mentions of him here and there, but aside from that I know next to nothing of him, no one does actually, and he teaching you magic. How you even manage that?"

Octavia: "It's a long story..."

Andrealphus: "I see, well it had to be another time then, right now I'm late and you know how your mother is with punctuality."

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