Long Road Ahead.

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A "16 year old" Y/N is seem outside in the palace's big garden practicing his magic abilities, mostly defensive and offensive ones since well, he pretty much is a nerd already and what happen to nerds, they get beaten, and if no one help you in back in normal Earth, even less down here. He had a book opened on a wooden stand. He extends one hand and open his palm, igniting a flame, which later manage to control, and bend at will. 


Y/N: "Damn this feels like I'm the Avatar, well, at least with fire... shame it wasn't earth, that one is my favorite." I though as I toss the fire from one hand to the other like it was a tennis ball. "Well... now I got the most OP spell a wizard can have!"

Then out of his shadow a hand moved to the stand with the book turning the page.

Y/N: "Hmm...lets try that idea."

With a flick I threw the flame to the ground which start making a circle leaving a trail behind it, once it closed it, the space inside got darkened like oil was spilled. 

Y/N: "Emm... what now..." He said checking the book again. "Draw a sigil... like what? Any sigil?" He passed the pages to find the answers, but didn't found it." I guess so... emm... never were that creative type for drawings... so I'm just going to mimic one from those cheap movies I saw... it needs Teutonic crosses and stuff...I guess? Whatever lets see what I end up with...". I then with his finger start drawing inside of the circle remotely moving another drop of flame, once he finished the fire turned black as well and from it, a "thing" started emerging from it, and in a couple of seconds it manage to completely stood up from it.

It was about 3 meters tall, made of what seems like black fire, shadows, or even feathers or something of that sorts, inside of it was glowing orange like if it was regular fire or lava. It came closer to me, its neck extended to reach my height, the stoic face it had opened in the middle vertically leaving a piercing screech like the one before, it also revealing a long set of sharp teeth and a sharp tongue as well.

Y/N: "Hmm... yep...creepy... extremely damn fucking creepy... but it worked!"

I take a look around it

Y/N: "Although it did not looked like I was expecting, maybe there are more factors I didn't consider. I'll need to investigate further.

I put myself in front of it again its stoic face with its orange empty eyes.

Y/N: "This thing is really unsettling" "Alright" *Clears throat* "Henceforth you shall be called...emm... Craig."

The creature did a slight bow at me in agreement. I then with a quick movement of my hand I banish it it like it was a dust cloud.

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