Change of course.

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At the hotel Y/N was already there, he was sitting at one of the main tables reading through a pile of papers filled with possible ideas Charlie has been making. He was cataloging if they were feasible or not and well... the ones not feasible were going through it's second volume.

Y/N: "Hmm..." He said as he put another on the "not feasible" folder.

Charlie was resting her head on the table, feeling down upon watching his work. Vaggie was sitting next to her watching Y/N still with distrust, and meanwhile Angel was just looking through his phone not caring about anything.

Charlie: "Hey Angel, you maybe have some ideas?" She genuinely asked him to

Angel: "What? Nah not my problem."

Charlie: "Emm... lets try something. Y/N, can you tell us something we don't know?"

Both Vaggie and Y/N were confused at the sudden request.

Vaggie: "Why?"

Y/N: "I obliged, but can I ask the why?"

Charlie: "Maybe that could start up a brain storm..."

Y/N: "I... of course... let me think..." He pondered for a second then talked again. "There was a conflict called The Hyper war, it happened 8245 BC between the Hwan Dynasty and Proto-Finnic Holy Roman Kagenate. It lasted for about two thousand years and resulted in the destruction of both factions, the mysterious disaparience of Kingdom of Lemuria, the 3rd Neandertal genocide and the destruction of humanity's overall scientific advancement that wouldn't start to restore until pre-diluvian Babylon."

They both looked at him.



The three demons just stared at him with a confused expression.

Vaggie: "What the...?"

Y/N: "Well I don't know what you don't know, so I went safe and said something I'm sure know almost nobody knows about."

Charlie: "That emm... surely is interesting... so that helped get a good idea?"

Both demons stood in silence.

Charlie: "Alright emm... then what about something you don't know?"

Y/N: "Well, how I can see in full color 8K HD without having pupils. Is my entire eye the pupil? Is it another type of photoreceptor? I don't know and I don't want to pop my eye out to find out."

Vaggie: "..."

Charlie: "Huh, I was wondering that too since I first saw you."

They all looked at Charlie

Charlie: "No offense heh heh..."

Y/N: "None taken, your highness."

He then look at his watch.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, well actually the wooden pillar where the door used to be.

Octavia: "Hey uncle!"

Y/N: "Punctual as always."

Octavia: "Yep, so what are we doing today?"

Y/N: "Well, I've been going through Miss Mor-" He phrase got interrupted by a small frown coming from Charlie. "*Ahem* Charlie's...." Her face returned to normal. " proposals and... well..."

Octavia moved sat at the table and start looking at the one on the "rejected" category, with each new bunch of papers her face cringed a bit more.

Octavia: "I see..."

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