You Brought that on Yourself

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It's early morning, I wake up to the loud sound of the beeping of my alarm clock on the small nightstand, it press the "Off" button and open my eyes. I let a loud yawn before I sit on the border of the bed, sit there for like a minute or before I scratch my eyes and stood up, I went to the restroom and then to the kitchen for breakfast, on my way I pass by some sentries, which salute me, I did the same to them still tired with a jaded face as my brain is still waking up. When I reach it, Olivia was already there making breakfast, I made myself a 2 cups of coffee and put them in the small table in there, one for Olivia and one for myself.

Y/N: "Good morning."

Olivia: "Good morning."

She said as she put a dish with toasts and jelly jam on the table.

Y/N: "Thank you."

Olivia: "You are welcome." She said as she quickly hug me and serve herself the same as I had and sat in front of me.

Olivia: "And all that happened yesterday?"

Y/N: "Yes, didn't I told you?"

Olivia: "Yes, just that it's hard to believe it."

Y/N: "Why?" I bit the toast.

Olivia: "What do you mean why?! What have you done for the past 20 or so years?

Y/N: "I... yeah nevermind."

Olivia: "I should be the one asking why."

Y/N: "Maybe because it was family?"

Olivia put a jaded face: "You didn't care when two of your brothers died."

Y/N: "On my defense, those idiots were heavily drunk and high and decided to have a walk a nice peaceful walk during a cleansing, so it's hard to have sympathy for them."

Olivia: "So why then?"

Y/N: "I don't know, maybe I didn't want to be an asshole?

Olivia: "Maybe, yeah." She said while narrowing her eyes, but just scoff it away.

I then finish up breakfast I grab the coffee mug and head back to my room, passing through the main lobby, the doorbell rang, at first I was confused, but brush it off, but I just assume is one of those guys again, and since I'm in front of the door, I decided to open it myself, I get near and peek through the gap.

Y/N: "I don't care who Microsoft sends, I'm not upgrading to Windows 11." I said with a monotonous tone, but instead of the usual individuals I was expecting, it was a Stolas, standing on my front door.

Stolas: "Hello brother."

Y/N: "..." "Hey Stolas..."

Stolas: "I tried to call you, but Octavia told me you had problems with your telephone cables."

Y/N: "Yeah... wait how you even got my home phone number?"

Stolas: "The white pages."

Y/N: "But of course..." I pinch the bridge of my nose. "And I thought nobody read those anymore..." I look back at Stolas.

Stolas: "I know you don't like visits, but there is something I want, well more that I need to talk with you."

Y/N: "I... of course, of course, come right in." I said opening the doors and letting him pass.

He entered and admired the room he was in for its was the first time he actually entered Y/N's home, something he had a small deja vu. Since this sounded rather serious I led him to my studio and told him I'll be back in a few. I took a quick shower and dressed in my usual attire then went back to the studio, seeing him looking at the decoration in there.

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