Maybe new friends

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It's been some days since Octavia has been arriving at Y/N home to study, and so far, everything went well. She's been seen in one of the small desks in the library, studying between a pile of books and taking notes while listening to some music with her earbuds on. Meanwhile Y/N was doing some work on the desk next to her, when he noticed her humming.

Y/N: "Stop it there."

Octavia: "Huh?" She said taking one of her earbuds away.

Y/N: "You've been there the whole morning without stop. Take it easy, neither this place or me will go away any time soon."

Octavia: "Oh right, emm sorry."

Y/N: "Don't be, just take it easy. Tell you what. Let's take this day off, you can go home early if you want."

Octavia: "Damn, I didn't know I was so annoying."

Y/N: "No, I didn't... *sigh* don't put on the defensive like that."

Octavia: "I know I was just joking." She said with a laugh. "It just well, there is nothing to do back home anyway, dad went out with... uuhg, you know who to a restaurant or something" She said with a jaded face, but just took a big breath and then exhaled. "And mom went to a party or something."

Y/N: "I see, so then what you want to do? We got the whole afternoon."

Octavia: "I don't know, well, there is a... never mind"

Y/N: "What?" He said with curiosity

Octavia: "No, well... that there is an autumn sale in a store I like in the big mall in Pentagram city."

Y/N: "The mall in front of Franklin and Rosie Emporium?"

Octavia: "Yea"

Y/N: "Huh well, I was planning on going there someday this week to buy some spare parts for the servitors. If you want we can both go there, and kill two birds with one stone" "That somehow didn't sound right... whatever." "Well if you don't mind the company."

Octavia: "No no, I don't mind it, it's just well... weird someone would accompany me there... mom hates that stuff and dad... ehh... so I don't know if you would like to go there." She said a little embarrassed.

Y/N put a serious face: "Look, on all my years I've seen things that I shouldn't... I've stared into the void, a̵̻̕n̸̮͋ḏ̶̈ ̶̧̋i̴̠͋t̸̻́ ̷̹̉s̸̟̉t̶̗̋a̶͈͊r̶̤͠e̷͉͛d̶̲̎ ̶̣̊b̴̨̉a̷̢̿c̴̜͘k̴̦͑ ̸̜̔ą̶͆t̵̠̽ ̴̞̅m̸͖̆è̸̜ ..." He said with a blank stare that last part, but then immediately returned to normal. "So I think I can manage."

Octavia: "If you say so."


In front of the mall's main entrance a black circle quickly emerged which as soon, both Goetias passed it closed again.

Y/N: "And we are here."

Octavia: "You need to teach me this teleporting thing, it looks pretty handy."

Y/N: "I will, I promise. Now, lead the way since I don't know where that store of yours is." Octavia nodded and walk into the mall closely followed by him.

Inside was to be expected of a regular mall, not much different from the ones Y/N visit on Earth light jazz music over the speakers, the usual. After a couple of minutes of walking they reach the store, wasn't a big one, but neither small, on top and on the windows were big posters with the word "SALE". They both entered, the store didn't look bad from inside, it was kinda dark with a gothic aesthetic... not the cool one but the edgy 2000s type of goths/punks. There were a fairly amount of people in there looking through the merchandize.

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