5 Chapter

413 11 0

Thought= "like this"

Texting= (like this)

Me= (like this)


(You get some sad and fluffy, you're welcome :) )

(Noah's pov)

It's been one day since the conversation I had with lumine I've been so nervous I've been holding onto my tail more my mom is even starting to know my behavior, right now I'm having dinner with her. . .

"I'm so nervous about that conversation on what she told me it sounds so important to her, I don't want to mess this up. .but. ."

"WINTER!" My mother shouting, I was knocked out my trance I was gripping my tail much I now know how much pain I was in now. . .

"S-sorry. .I'm g-going to bed e-early!"I pushed away from the table and ran out to my room, "maybe I'm just not ready for this. ."

. . .
(Kim's POV aka mom's POV)

Noah went up to his room to go to bed early yesterday he didn't want to eat which means that he's stressing about something, I don't know what but. . it must be something really big he's doing.

I finished washing the dishes and putting them away I turned off the lights downstairs and one upstairs, I went to his door and knocked on it lightly "honey? Are you okay. .in there?"I didn't get a response I put my ear close the door to hear his whimpering and crying.

Open the door slightly to see him on his bed still whimpering and crying when he saw me he stopped "Noah? Why are you crying and whimpering?"I got closer to him I sat down on the bed next to him, his breathing was uneven.

". . . I-it's JUST. .*sigh* lumine got me a job has a backup dancer for a song group. . the interview it's tomorrow and I'm just scared I'm going to mess up or disappoint people. . I know this is a big opportunity for me. . and I just don't want to mess up. ."he started to whimper again.

"Oh honey~ it's okay you won't mess up you're a great dancer!"I started rubbing his back he came closer to me."you'll do great tomorrow, do you want me to rub your head and sing you a song?"he nodded his head, I hear his tail hit the bed.

He moved closer to put his head on my chest I rubbed his head while singing his favorite lullaby when he was little. . .

(I picked this song because it's one that I remember does my favorite show back then was Dumbo, and it's the second song I found that calms me down 😌)

"He fell asleep at lullaby always seems to put him at ease I put him down in his bed, I know tomorrow will be a big day for him and I know he will do his very best." And I make my way out outside his room.

(The next day, Noah's pov)

I was making my way down the street to the address lumine send me I already have my mask and hat on, when I'm dancing I have a mask and a hat on at all times I feel more safe and comfortable having it on.

Since that talk with my mom yesterday night I feel super energized only thing about is. . I'm just a little nervous to meet the K-Pop group.

I made it to the building and it's huge it hurts my neck hurts to look up at it but it is close to a little cafe not the one I work at but, it is really cute.

I make my way inside the building and I see a receptionist lady I make my way out to her still shaking a little bit still as nervous as before, she looked up at me." Hey little cutie, you look like you're here for the dance interview?" I nodded.

" Ok, go to the elevators and go to floor three and go down the hall to your right, and there that's where you should be~" I bow at her and make my to the elevator and press 3 floor.

. . .
I make it to floor 3 I went down the hall and went to the right the directions she gave me led me to a room it looks like a dance studio, I look so big I usually dance in my room but this is how professionals do it I decided since it's going to be a while might as well do  some stretches.

. . . .
"I'm so nervous about this. . maybe I should explore a little bit it wouldn't hurt, Would it?"I make out the room and to hear music from the other room of across the hall, I decided to go in there, I open the door to see a girl dancing and two boys watching her.

I decided to watch as well and her dance was. . okay but it could be better.

(Okay one more video and I want put no more videos in this chapter I'm not hating on this dance, it's just it could be better that's all)

She finish her dance but the boys don't look that interesting. . .

"You did o-okay. .but we get you a call later in the day if you the part. ." A lady and lumine pop out of nowhere scare me, lumine came to stand next to me " ok, Stacy good job okay Noah, it's your turn."

"Mm m-me! But I don't know what to dance to do?"

"Just the dance the popular dance on your YouTube channel. ." I look at lumine who is whistling and looking at a different direction, even if she can't see my eyes she know my look at her.

(I I kind of forgot to mention that his eyes are not showing they're always covered by his hair, lumine does not know what his eyes look like and she is constantly asking him if he can show her and the answer is always no).    (For now)

"*Sigh*. . Ok can you ego then?" Lumine nodded and I grabbed a very convenient place chair to use for later.. . . .

I got ready in position and waited for her to start playing the music I breathe in and out. .

(Cliffhanger I take so long doing this and I talk too much so. . . cliffhanger)

(1044 words)

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