Chapter 17

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(Third person POV)

The Autumn season has already in mid terms . . Brown, Orange and yellow leaves fall across the town as four boys walk towards their local grocery store/pharmacist, the air was very chilly so before the boys left home they made sure to get their thick jackets and hats to keep them warm but also the three boys made sure to have their mask on so they won't get noticed by their fans, Noah on the other hand seem to be on another level.

Noah walked in front of the three boys skipping the whole entire way to the grocery store, but also getting some very naughty looks from other hybrids some even decided to catcall on him but since Noah was in his state he didn't really think of it as that way, he mostly thought it as a compliment saying "thank you" and "you're nice yourself!" The three boys all hated when he said thank you to there comments.

It made their blood boil but they didn't understand why since they always saw Noah as "a friend" as they like to call it, they just have to deal with it but also make sure no one doesn't get involved or go with anyone it seems pretty easy right! . . . . Right?

(Noah's pov)

We all headed to the grocery store they said that I should get my medication first but I told them pharmacy is in the front and I want to get shopping done first and then get my medicine, they thought it was weird that I wanted to stay in the state a little longer, I told him " as long as we're not in the house, I'll be fine~" that's the only reason, why I asked if I can come along to grab my medicine since it was getting a little late outside my heat will only worse and if I'm in the house and it's night time.

We grabbed the shopping cart and started getting food snacks and some meat so I can cook for tonight since I wanted to make them something special, since they are not treating me like some wild animal on hormones which some of my old friends used to do. . As we went to Isle tile and kept calling the rest of the boys and lumine to ask if they wanted anything else on their list, since before we left everyone wrote down what they wanted on my grocery list.

Along the way as we went to a couple of aisles I kept getting catcall all around the grocery store it did the kind of bothers me a little bit but I didn't let show but it seemed that Aether, Xiao and Scara did not like it at all, like when I was getting catcall near the meat section with Aether, someone was checking me out as I looked at some meat and pork. He grabbed my waist from behind startled me and stared at the man with a death stare the man who was shocked and luckily backed off when the man was far away he let go of me.

Or another time I was helping show grab some chips off the shelf with Xiao since we couldn't really reach that far but I was able to grab them with him lifting me off the ground,(the short life is no way to get chips off the top shelf, you got to call a tall man's to get it yourself 😭 but some women takes the wrong way when they think you're trying to steal their mans) which I was surprised that he was able to lift me off the ground but I was able to grab it but I lost my balance and almost fell, a hybrid who is nearby catch me in his arms holding me while xiao fell on the ground.

I said thank you to The Man who catch me but when I tried to get out his arms he wouldn't budge I struggle a little bit until I heard Xiao's voice " Let him go, you see him struggling trying to get out of your hold." The man holding me gripped me tighter and I whimpered "and what are you going to do little man? I'm almost twice as big as you."as the man stare at Xiao soon his facial expression turn from confidence to scare, he dropped me on the ground gently and started running, I stared back at Xiao as he seemed to be putting something back in his pocket.

I ran to him and gave him a hug whispering thank you to him he stopped for a moment and hug me back. . .

This happened all throughout the shopping trip but as we started heading to the cashier I forgot one important ingredients I will need to make something for them, Scara said that he would go get it himself I told him it'll be fine I'll be real quick and grab it they said "all right, but if you don't come back here in about 35 minutes, then we're coming to get you." I laughed at them and told him all right as I started running with two of this section of the item I needed.

"Here it is spaghetti sauce I almost forgot it on my lis-" someone then push me against the wall since there was one nearby, "well~. .well . . Hello cute~" I heard that voice is was the guy that tried to test Xiao and run away, I turn to my head to right to get a good look at him as I was face first into the wall when I got a good look at him I looked at his eyes and saw their full of lust and that's when I knew, I was not going to make this one.

You pushed me more into the wall as I felt tears in my eyes as my eyelashes catch them "let's go somewhere more . . . Private~"

(Xiao's POV)

Aether has been pacing for the past 10 minutes, Noah told us he needed to grab two more items before we leave and to wait for him or out of the checkout because we didn't want to hold up a line waiting for him, I've told Aether that he'll be back soon but he says he feels something is wrong or something is not right. After a couple minutes went by we all started feeling the same way so we rushed to where Noah said he'll be and as we got closer to the aisle we could hear whimpering and that made all of us go cold.

Running faster we Noah be pin to the wall by the men that I had to make run earlier for trying something and now this before I knew it I heard pleading of him telling me to stop along with Scara, I look behind us to see Aether is comforting Noah as Noah's holding onto him so tightly, his tail curled up against him it made my blood boil again thinking about the moment. looking at the man I saw that there are a lot of Bruce's around his eyes it smells and cuts around his hand but no bleeding so he would be fine I looked at Scara.

His anger was off the church too with his fists all clenched up I touched his shoulder as he flinched a little I glanced Noah as he seemed to get the gesture giving a death glare as the man and went to Noah so do I, we both came to Noah to give him a hug he seemed to calm down when we did that we all looked at each other and other our heads it was our way of communicating without saying anything.

But we all knew what we wanted we just have to see if the others wanted the same . . .

Well that was interesting trying different writing style and fun fact I wrote a 1190 words in one night and went to sleep, I'll hope you enjoy this chapter, and there soon going to be more and another book on the way ain't that nice!

1365 words

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