Chapter 19

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(Previously last chapter . . .)

But once they got a good look at them I felt something change inside them but I didn't know what it was. . . I just have to wait and see. . . . . . . .

. . . . .

(Noah's pov)

All they did was stair at my eyes as I stair right back at them, "Are my eyes that weird?" I smiled in a teasing matter "NO!" Aether shouted has everyone looked at him "No, there just. ." He seems to go in a trance "beautiful~" Kazuha and Heizou in unison as everyone excepted me nodded in agreement, "Thank you." Smiling again. As I was going to say something a phone started to ring, looking at the coffee table it was my phone "I gotta take this." I started to walk in the hallway press 'accept' "hello?"

"Hello son!" Hearing a strong powerful voice I already knew who it was "Hello father, why did you call me that this time?" Biting my tongue holding that I might say something I will regret, I can already feel my anger. "Well, I want to see you in person! Since I have seen you since you were 13." I was about to say no but a memory of a few years back came to my head.

(Few years ago)

(I got a text from my dad ask 'me how I am doing?' I sighed my mom heard it from the kitchen she was making lunch for the both of us. She turn to me "is it your Father?" I nodded she then let out a big sigh she finished making lunch for us and sit on the little table where I was sitting. "Look, I know. you don't like your dad but. ." She hold my hand. "He sill love you, even if he left you when you were still in my belly." I started to think about something. "Even after of what he said about you?" She toke a deep breath "yes even that, now come let's eat!" I laughed.)

I signed am a fox (hybrid?) But am not heartless "Sure. . I can see you in . . . person."
Thought the phone I can hear a bumping sound, I holding in a laugh. "ok, I will meet you soon at the north park on ##### Street. See you then." "Bye" I got off the phone with my father turn around get jumpscare by Aether, "BRO, DON'T scare me like that." Me trying to calm my beating heart, He blinked for a minute. "Sorry, I was going to get your attention. Soo who was you talking to?" He asked looked innocent but there was something off about it.

"My father." I started walking up the stairs as he followed me "He want to meet me, so I am going to see him." I walked in my room looking through some clothes, I could wear that won't show much skin since it's freezing outside even though I can't really feel that much. "How much do you know your father?" His voice seem to darken as he was talking I found a nice black turtleneck shirt with no sleeves, take off my sweater to put on the turtleneck. "Well, I haven't seen him for 6 years." But I can't stop thinking about why he wants to see now?

(Aether's POV)

My face is so red hopefully he doesn't see me like this he's too focused on something he's mixed skin oh! I wish I could rub my hand against his skin, hold his hands, cuddling on the couch. "Aether?" Snapping out my day dream I saw him wearing a very nice outfit, Black turtleneck no sleeves, a Gray thick jacket he didn't wear all the way it stopped at his shoulders zipped halfway, baggy ice blue jeans, black boots. "Aether? Are you ok?" He's voice is so addicted I bet he's singing voice be so beautiful.

I coughed a couple times with a bright face "Y-ya, I'm fine." Smiling at him, he was hesitant but signed. "Oh ok, I will be going now cya!" He run be me, his tail ran under my chin the feeling of that it so nice. I watched him leave thinking came to mind. . .

"How do we make him our?~"

(Noah's pov)

I walked to the north park get weird looks from people but I get use to it by now, 'just walk noah, they probably haven't seen a cute fox boy before~' I giggle remember what my mother said when she saw people staring at me, I guess a white fox boy is rare hybrid which it is.

But you don't have to stare it is rude, all so I hope my mom is doing well since her new job and all and be 6reeze backup dancer for their concert I have to time to talk to her, I bet she already made friends. Sneaking of parents seeing my father in the distance, he is a spit image of me except for the body me have a feminine body, he have a tall male body almost 7'0 feet tall, White Short hair with fluffy Long ears with black at the tips, mixed skins and wearing a black sweater with a brown trench coat and grey jeans.

I shocked that one we almost had the same outfit on, but also wings on his back WING!?! Oh and tail. "Hello Noah, nice outfit." Talking to me snapping me out of my thoughts "Hi thank you, nice wings." He moved one of them, looking at them. "So let's get to need each other." I smiled like that he got right to the point. "We shall!" We started to walk together though the park. . .

(A few hours later. .)

I laughed with my dad as we walked joke a around and got to know each other, he's married have to kids which means I have to half siblings. As we walk learned all about him what he likes what he don't like, walking around we got a lot of stairs by people since I'm pretty sure more we're looking at my father but also me, but we just ignore them and continue their conversation soon the conversation point towards me which I was not ready for. "So I hear that you dance? you also sing too?" I froze.

"I do dance But, I don't sing." I said simply hope he might drop it but I was wrong, "I Know that used to sing, so why you stopped?" I stop walking, he did the same, "I don't want to talk about-" "Why do not want to talk about something that use to do all the time?!" I take a deep breath to not let my anger off, he got in front of me to couch down to my level. "Listen, I'm here for you you can tell me anything ok?" I signed.

'Fine! He want the truth I give him the truth.'

(Third-person POV)

It was silence between the two other than noise by other people walking and talking around on the street, "Well?" The taller fox said. Waiting for explanation. " I'm not taking about this, I'll see you later. ." Noah turned around try leave but a big puff of dust came from behind him. he did not flinch as he know did it. "DON'T YOU DARE TURN YOUR BACK ON ME, FOX!" he shouted at noah seeing some people looking at them. "YOU WILL NOT MAKE ME A OMEGA OF YOUR PACK! MY AM YOUR ALPHA AND FATHER, YOU WILL RESPECT M-!" "I WILL NEVER RESPECT YOU!" Noah turned back to face his father his his eyes showing out in the open Red glowing eyes stared back at yellow ones.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT! I can't do the thing I love!" Tears stream down Noah face, as his father face twisted and confusion. "What?"
His ears went low and wing down the ground, "Remember the wolf guy that you introduced me too, he is the reason. If I haven't met him, I WOULD STILL BE SING BUT . . . .I can't!" Noah cried running away from his father.

As his father desperately trying calling him back, he didn't Noah run to wherever his legs take him. . .

(Noah's pov)

I fell down on my knees clinging to a tree I cry said that to my father brought back so many bad memories just to mention him, "I wish I have never had meet him!" Clinging harder to tree opening my looking in the distance seeing the city. All the lights from the buildings made me clam down still crying closeing my eyes, I started to lose consciousness pled.

"Please God. . . take the pain. ."

1437 words

Sorry it sooo Long to make this, I like of homeless at the moment. . . Long story short I was at a bad place? That what mom say. Am in a good place now! Yay (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

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