Chapter 08

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It's been three weeks and I still can't unlock this stupid phone. I've tried everything and nothing is working. I'm so close to giving up but this phone can answer some of my problems. After having sex with Jasper for the first time, I've been contemplating if the old memories are worth it. But they are mine and I deserve to know the truth, right? To become better.

"Residents are becoming teased without hearing from the Redeemer in almost two months. Others are convinced that he may have stopped once and for all. This has been the longest period without discovering a victim and police are questioning—"

The TV flicks off and I turn around from the couch to find Jasper with the controller in hand. "Stop watching that."

"Hey," I grumble and notice his messy hair from just waking up.

He tosses the controller to the side and mummers, "I'm taking a smoke."

Jasper's been off ever since that day. I wouldn't say it horribly but he's become more anxious, tired from working long shifts, and smoking. A lot. It must be from the stress but I hate how he's taking that kind of approach because those things are bad for you. He's a doctor for crying out loud. Other than that, why doesn't he want me to watch the news? I get up from the couch, put on my slippers, and join him outside. He's leaning on the porch's iron rails with an unlit cigarette between his lips. My footsteps hesitate as I stand by his side.

"You should go back inside. It's chilly." Jasper doesn't spare a glance in my direction.

"Says the one wearing a t-shirt," I reach for his cigarette and snatch it away; he stares at me in confusion. "No more smoking."

"I stopped a few weeks ago but my mouth needs a distraction," he has an unreadable expression.

"What's wrong? Please tell me."

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean."

"I'm just stressed from work is all. I'm sorry if I was ever distant or rude to you," his fingers tap on the railing before he shuts his eyes.

"Work is causing you to be like this? Nothing else?"

"People change when they want to stop doing what they're deeply passionate about because it's part of their life." He gazes at me, "I'm stopping for you."

"Stopping what? Smoking?"

He snorts, "Yeah."

That doesn't sound believable at all but what else can he be talking about? I wrap my arms around him and he pulls me in closer, resting his chin on top of my head.

"I'm here if you ever need me," I whisper.

"How's work going? You've been in for a week now, right?"

"Yeah, it's going great. Coral assigned me as an assistant tour guide for the time being. Malik was also wondering when I'll turn in some artwork since people have been wanting to see a new one..."


"They don't come out the way I want them to, especially with the color red. I don't know how I did it before but they aren't good enough for it to be displayed."

There's a long pause before he replies, "I'm sure they will one day."

I'm greeted by Cain, for the first time, when entering the art gallery. He hasn't talked to me ever since the first time meeting him, so I'm surprised by this. My eyes wander around and realize no one is here yet—weird because Malik is usually the first one.

"It's closed today," he shuts the door behind me.

I spin around, "Closed? Why did no one tell me this?"

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