Chapter 7

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5 years earlier

I woke up we haven't reached yet and i felt a weight on my head I realized it's noah sleeping and i am resting my head on his shoulder. I feel so safe and happy in this position. It feels like I can do anything if he's by my side.
Why do I feel like this around him?

I didn't bother waking him up he never sleeps. Sometimes at late night I wake up and I find him in kitchen making coffee. He is sleeping now so I let him.

An old lady is sitting beside me. She called me and said. "You two are so cute together may you be like this forever."
I blushed at what she said.
Instead of saying that we are not a couple I said. "Thank you."
Why did I said that!!!

After a while noah woke up.
"I'm so sorry moon I fell asleep on you." He said he was very ashamed of what he did. But it was totally alright I actually liked it.
"It's okay Mr. Williams. It's totally alright."I said making his guilt a bit low.

We are about to reach so the flight attendant said that we should wear our seatbelts. I did mine but noah was confused he couldn't do it when we sat on plane he was able to do it but now he can't. I guess he's still sleepy. Lol.

"Mr. Williams let me do it I guess you're still sleepy." I said to him.
"Yes maybe." He smiled for the very first time.

"You should do that more often Mr. Williams."

"I should do what moon?" Ahh I love it when he calls me moon.

"You should smile. It looks good on you I'll recommend that you should laugh too." I said while winking at him.

"I don't have a reason to laugh or simle so why should I?"

"Make me your reason to smile." I said that and regretted it right after.
I shouldn't have said that.

"The plane has landed we should go moon."


As soon as we reached the airport her eyes started finding someone and when she finally find that person her eyes got bright and she started running in that person's direction. She hugged him tightly and he lifted her and twirled her in the air and suddenly I want to become a murderer I want to kill him. There is a sudden feeling of jealousy inside me which I can't control. I want to tear him apart whoever he is. I guess it's that nathan.

"Hey man what's up?" The man said while leaving hold on moon.
"Good." I said emotionlessly and I walked towards the exit. Moon followed me and so did nathan.

"Hey babe why is he so rude." Nathan wispered in Moon's ear but I still heard him.
"No Nathan he's the best person I've ever known." Moon said and I'm smiling like a crazy person.

But in what way did she find me the best person.
I know I am

We reached his car and I insisted on driving but Nathan said that he'll drive the next thing that happened was not what I expected. I thought moon will sit with Nathan at front but she sat with me in the back.
"He's my best friend Mr. Williams." She said
"I didn't ask moon I don't care whoever he is."
"Why do you sound like you're jealous." She poked my arm with her finger.
"What rubbish why would I be jealous and where is Nathan I'm so tired I want to take rest and I have shit to do also."
"He's went to grab some food." She replied.

We reached Nathan's home. Moon and I stepped out of the car.
As soon as we stepped there's a sound of bullets I pushed moon against the nearest wall and Nathan was hiding inside the car. Fucking coward.
I caged moon with my arms I was over her we were close her chest was touching my chest. And sound of bullets was coming close. Edvard warned me about this.

I was prepared I held Moon's hand and dargged her to the car I told her to hide behind the car not inside the car because inside it wasn't safe.

"Moon listen to me you are gonna stay here. You will not move. I'm gonna handle this. Don't go inside the car it's unsafe just stay right here. Did you get me?"
"Yes noah. Please be safe."
"I will moon I will." I pulled out the gun from my waistband I loaded it and kissed moon on forehead and went to kill those bastards who came to kill my moon.

They have already wasted most of their bullets and i have a loaded gun it's easy to beat the shit out of them.

Someone came in front of me I punched him right on his nose he fell unconscious and I shot him right between his eyes. Another one came from behind I sensed him I grabbed his hair pulled him in front of me and choked him with my arm. I aimed my gun on his forehead and asked him." Why did you came to kill her?Who the fuck are you guys? Why her?" He wasn't replying. "Answer my questions or I'll give you the most painful death. Say?" I shouted.
"Sh-sh-she is daughter of our business rival her father ruined our business we wanted to take revenge so we planned to kill his daughter."
"Thanks for answering but I'll still kill you."
I was looking for their third partner and all of the sudden moon came in from of me and bullet hit her. She took the bullet coming on me. I saw the guy who shot moon and I killed him.

"Why moon why did you do that?"
"Mr. Williams it should be mutual you save me and I'll save you."
I picked her in my lap and rushed to the car. Nathan was nowhere to be seen I think he went inside his house I drove straight to the hospital she was unconscious.

As soon as we reached hospital they took her to operation theatre. The bullet hit her on the abdomen.

"Doctor is she fine now?" I said as the doctor came out of the OT.

"We are trying our best but I can't say anything right now.She has lost a lot of blood. So be prepared for everything."
Doctor said.

"What the fuck are you telling me, if anything happen to my moon I'm gonna burn this hospital into ashes you got me?"
I shouted while holding the collar of his coat.

"We'll try our best sir please be patient?" He went to OT again.
Leaving me alone with a lot of questions.

Why did she save me?

Why me?

𝙸'𝚖 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚜𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚜𝚘 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚖𝚢.
𝙳𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚟𝚘𝚝𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚎.
𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚕𝚕 ❤❤❤

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