Chapter Three

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"Damnit Cas where did you learn moves like that?" Dean asked lying flat on his back with Castiel standing over him.

"I took sparing lessons." Castiel shrugged extending his hand to Dean. He did take them. When he was younger he was afraid of the tree scratching on his window was going to try to kill him while he slept. He asked his parents if he could take karate and they let him. He wanted to quit after only a couple of months, but his parents wouldn't let him. Castiel made a commitment and Castiel was going follow through. His parents made him take it for ten years. He started when he was six and ended when he was sixteen. He hated every second, but his parents made him work at it until he skilled enough to not have to take classes anymore. They suggested that Castiel teach classes, but that idea was soon forgotten when they decided to send Gabriel away.

Dean takes castiels hand and stands up. "Looks like you Weren't lying when you said you beat me." Dean laughed. Castiel smiles at the sound of his laugh. What a sound to make you feel okay again. The timer goes off for the macaroni and Castiel runs into the kitchen tripping halfway there. He could hear Dean laughing excessively. Like it was the funniest thing that has ever happened. Castiel face turns red and he stands up fixing his clothing. "You-you-just fell!" Dean was on the floor laughing hysterically. Honestly Cas didn't know what the big deal was. Dean was laughing so hard he could hardly breathe. All the air sucked out of his lungs by the sight of the awkward man falling down.

Castiel grumbles going to check on the macaroni. He takes two bowls out and plops the dinner into them. He puts the pan in the sink. Deans laughter still ringing through his ears. He also started laughing, which only made Dean laugh harder. What a mess these two were. After a couple of minutes, when they settle down, Dean stood back up and walked into the kitchen slipping where Cas had. The both started cracking up again. Neither of them have laughed this hard in a long time. It felt good to have their insides aching from laughing too hard.

"Cas-Cas...I can't...." He laughed trying to stand up. He was standing in a puddle of water where the water must have dripped off of him after his shower. Of course only the stairs and the upstairs were carpet. Hard wood floors just their luck. They take a few deep breaths. "Cas, buddy." He said calming down now. "I just want my macaroni." He started cracking up again and Cas followed.

"Dean--" he barely got out between the laughs, "just shut up and take the macaroni" he started to control his laughter a bit better than Dean. When the laughter finally died down, Dean received the cold bowl of food. They ate their macaroni, but whenever one of them looked at each other they started laughing again. The finally finished their dinner with all the giggles out.

"What time your folks be home?" Dean asked putting his dishes in the dishwasher.

"They're on a trip, they won't be back for at least a week. They left yesterday." He said grabbing a glass of water.

"they just left you alone?" Dean asked surprised.

"I have to follow rules and if They get back and Find out that I broke a rule, well I know what happens." Castiel said, "would you like a drink?" He asked

"No I'm good." Said Dean. Castiel nods sitting back down. "What happens if you breaks a rule? They send you to boarding school?" Dean asked curious.

"Gabriel broke the 'no girls in the house without parent permission' rule one too many times. Never the same girl either. So my parents sent him to an all boys boarding school." He said sipping his water. "Usually the punishment matches the crime."

"Shit dude, sorry." Said Dean looking over at Cas. He was staring into the space ahead of him.

"It's fine. When does your father want you home?" Cas asked changing the subject.

"He's too drunk to notice if I'm home or not. Sammy is at a school sleepover so he's all taken care of for tonight." Said Dean. "Your folks going to be mad I'm here?" He asked making sure he wouldn't get Cas into trouble.

"As long as we don't drink, do drugs, have a party, trash the house, any illegal activity or disobey your parents wishes then when they get back I tell them that I had a friend over and all is well." Said Cas smiling slightly at Dean.

"Alright alright so they don't let you do all this shit then why do you smoke? Aren't you afraid your parents will catch you?" Dean asked leaning back in his chair.

"They know I smoke. And it's not like I smoke everyday, Dean. It's every once in awhile." Said Cas drinking his water again.

"dude my dad would rip me a new one if he ever caught me smoking!" Said Dean surprised Castiels parents would let him near cigarettes.

"They relieve stress, Dean. As long as I don't smoke in public, in the house or in excessive amounts then Im allowed to." He said yawning.

"Alright then sleepyhead." Said Dean chuckling a little. Castiel wasn't used to this much attention. It wore him out and it wasn't even eight o'clock. "How about you head to bed and I'll head home?" Said Dean standing up. Cas grabbed deans arm.

"Please don't go" he said looking up at Dean with pleading eyes. Dean sat back down laughing to himself. "We can watch a movie and you could sleepover if you ask your father." Cas suggested.

"I'll be the one that has to pick up sam tomorrow and I don't want to be late." Dean said. Cas looks down. He didn't want his friend to leave. They had a lot of fun together tonight. Dean saw the look on Cas face and he hated seeing his new friend upset. "Are you allowed to sleepover at someone's house?" Dean asked. Castiels face brightened. Dean may be the first person to ask castiel if they would like to come over to their house.

"I'll have to ask my father and your father would have to agree with it." Said castiel smiling. Dean nods and takes out his phone.

"You call your dad and I'll call mine, deal?" said Dean. Castiel nods excitedly and takes out his phone calling his father. Dean called his and John didn't care as long as they stayed out of his way. Castiels father agreed to it as long as they were going exactly where he said he was going. No going to party's, no drinking, no drugs, follow orders and be respectful was the gist of castiels father long speech. Castiel agreed to every one of them and Dean had to too. Castiels father also warned Dean that if was a prank on castiel that he would regret it terribly. The way he said it made deans bone rattle. He was not going to try anything with this man looming over him.

Castiel grabbed some clothes, not knowing what to bring. He locked the doors and all the windows and set the alarms. He handed Dean his washed clothes. They put on their shoes and Dean led Cas to his house. Castiel had never been this exited before. He never had a sleepover with anyone else before. He was either shot down by his parents or the other kids made fun of him and never invited him anywhere. He was excited for something for once.

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