Chapter Twenty-Two

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Dean and Cas had their wedding together a couple months after they were engaged. Unfortunately Sams girlfriend, Jessica died in a car accident seven months earlier. It was still hard for sam. Gabriel had taken sam under his wing. Sam saw Gabriel as a brother to him and he was grateful to Gabe for taking care of him and making sure he finished law school after Jess died. Sam had plans to marry Jessica, but when she died so did some part of sam. Everyone tried to be there for him, but Gabriel was the one that helped him the most. He cleaned him up, kept him in line, and he did his best he could to get him to smile again. It took time, but sam eventually did get better. He still visited her grave every week, but that was something he needed to do. He loved to talk to her whether she talked back or not. Sam had faith that she was listening to him wherever she was. He often wrote letters to her and put them in a box by her grave. He was coping the best he could.

Gabriel and sam got all in their suits the day of the wedding, they were the best men. Dean and cas were having their wedding in the backyard of johns house. Dean and cas didn't really know a lot of people, so they didn't need a lot of room. Dean didn't want anything too fancy either. He wouldn't mind if they just went to Vegas did a quick marriage and spent the rest of their time eating pie and fucking each other senseless in a hotel room. But dean knew cas would something more romantic then that. It was a nice day out to have a wedding. Wasn't too hot or too cold. It was nice.

When dean and cas were thinking of people to invite they had a hard time. They couldn't think of many people to invite besides some of deans family. The only family cas knew about was Gabriel and cas didn't make friends very easily. He liked to write most of the day and that didn't require talking to a lot of people. Dean was working on opening his own repair shop and the people in that business weren't really the type of people you invite to a wedding. They had to think a lot.

Gabriel however had a brilliant idea of inviting the fans of Castiels book, Now That I Look Back, to the wedding to fill up some seats. Of course he didn't tell dean or cas this, but he thought it was a great idea. He only invited a few fans, however.

"What the hell Gabe, who the fuck are these people?" Dean asked pulling Gabe to the side after seeing the fans that he had never even met before.

"Come on dean, you guys have like seven people here at the wedding. I think cas would appreciate it that i took upon myself to gather a few more people." Gabriel said with a grin on his face.

"Yeah not some crazed ass people. Get them the hell out before cas finds out." Dean said irritated with Gabriel. He should've known something was up when he saw that grin on Gaines face this morning.

"Dean, people are here that liked my book. Isn't that wonderful?" Cas asked smiling walking over to Deanna me Gabe. He really did like how they were here supporting him and Dean. Not everyone was as supporting as some people.

"Yeah it's great cas." Dean said smiling a little. Relieved that cas wasn't mad at all. If cas was happy then dean was happy. Today was about Cas and making it his day. Deans day was when they were on their honey moon and he had Cas to himself. Dean hated planes so dean planned a road trip for them. Just him, Cas, and baby(what dean called his car). It was a surprise to Cas, but Dean knew he would enjoy it. He always liked to go to small town diners and meet the people there. He had trouble starting conversations, but he knew how to keep one going if he wanted to. He was a writer after all. Always creating stories in his head. He used to spend a lot of time in his head. Alone with his thoughts, especially when he went to college. He liked the library. It was quiet and no one would bother you. It was wonderful, but also Terrible. After he and Dean grew apart he started to think about Dean all the time. It was almost all he could think about, but he never had the guts to pick up the phone and call Dean. He thought Dean didn't want him anymore and Dean thought Cas didn't need him anymore. They wished they could go back and fix everything, but they can't. They have the rest of their life to be together, they didn't need to think about what could have been, but what could be.

Once Dean and Cas greeted the people that showed up for their wedding they went to their separate rooms to get dressed. Castiel put on his blue tie that he had on almost everyday. He put on his dark pants with his black shoes. He tucked his white dress shirt in and put on his blazer. Dean made him wear his trench coat too. Cas though he looked more like a detective from the 1940's then a man getting married. Cas knew Dean got this suit for him because Dean liked the old time movie. Classics Dean called them. Cas didn't always think they were very good, but Dean loved them.

Dean put on a white button down with a blue checkered tie. He put on a dark blue waistcoat with his matching pants. He put on suspenders because he thought suspenders were cool and attractive, he wasn't wrong. He slipped on his suit jacket and combed his hair. Dean never combed his hair unless he wanted to impress Castiel. Dean grabbed a rose he bought for Cas and headed back out to the backyard. Sam greeted him there smiling at Dean. He knew how to clean himself up. "You look good, Dean." Sam smiled at his smaller brother.

"Hell yeah I do." Dean smirked Dean would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He was scared shitless of today. Afraid something would go wrong and Cas would get upset. He wanted this to be perfect for him. He deserved it.

Dean waited for Cas, but he didn't see him for awhile. He went inside the house to find him talking to his old librarian, Mrs. Howl. Dean loved that lady too. He was glad Cas kept in touch and Invited her to the wedding. She was a good women. "Taking my soon to be husband away from me," Dean asked smiling walking over to them. Damn Cas looked good. He looked fucking perfect in his suit. Dean wanted to ditch the wedding and just skip to their road trip he planed.

"No Dean. We were just talking." Said Castiel looking at Dean. Up and down and all around. He never saw Dean look this good. He could get used to him like this.

"I know you were." Dean said wrapping his arm around castiels waist.

"I'll see you two love birds outside" said mrs. Howl before leaving the two of them alone.

"Feeling good Cas?" Dean asked walking in front of him, pulling him close. He wanted to kiss him, but Cas insisted that the only time they could today was when they got married.

"Yes Dean. Very good." He smiled softly. He was nervous, but in a good way. Dean straighten Cas tie and jacket, they were a bit off centered as they usually were.

"Alright so I walk down the aisle first then you're second. Sam marries us and then i carry you off into the sunset. Got it?" Dean asked. Castiel smiled and nodded. He could wait to be carried off in the sunset. And he practically was. When Sam said dean could kiss Cas, Dean swept him off his feet while kissing him and carried him to his car. They already had the wedding pie before hand. Dean wasn't a traditional wedding kind of guy, he usually just did what he thought fit.

Dean couldn't help himself, but to kiss him all the way to the car. He put Cas in the car and got in himself. It was hard to resist not jumping Cas in the back seat. He looked stunning in his suit. It was hard to focus on driving when Castiel decided it would be a good idea to give Dean a blow job while he was driving. He eventually just pulled over and gave up. He let Cas do whatever he want to him there. He didn't really care if people knew what was going on or not his focus was on Cas right now. His focus was always on Cas after that day. After their wedding Dean made sure Cas had the world and Cas made sure that he made deans world. They were practically one person after that day. They could just look at each other instead of talking and still get the message across. It reminded dean like the relationship he has with Sam. He and Sam knew each other their whole life and they could tells hat was wrong by the way they walked. Dean loved that. Dean loved his family, no matter how small or dysfunctional it may be at times it was his family and he couldn't ask for more. Neither could Cas. He could be living on the streets and still be happy with Dean. They were best friends and nothing would or could change that. Everyone knew how much they cared about each other and no one dared messed with them out of fear of what Dean Winchester might do to you. He was never afraid to fight for Cas, or his family. They were his family and no one could take them away from him.

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